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DUMB person looking for help


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Guest deleted156886133
1 hour ago, arekutiger said:

Its clear to me that i am not the man i used to be 20+ years ago

No one is, friend.

To answer your question, hopefully I can help. I play and mod Morrowind via OpenMW. If you're playing the same way, then chances I'll know what I'm talking about will be better. But it sounds like you may be having mod incompatibility issues. It's best when starting out to install a mod at a time, at most a couple, then give the game a test run. If everything checks out, come back to your mods, rinse and repeat. You really have to pay attention to load order as well. For instance, one of those patches may not having been patching the relevant mod because it loaded prior to that mod. It needs to load after or below the mod it's patching in the load order, otherwise it has nothing to patch. And if that patch prevented a CTD (Crash To Desktop), then that's probably why you were not able to play for a single second. That's what I'm guessing.

This may seem intuitive, but you also have to remember to activate the mods you intend on using. It's usually achieved by clicking a checkbox. At least it is in OpenMW.

So, maybe reply with the engine you're using to play Morrowind, original or OpenMW (include version), elaborate on the issues you're having and list the mods you're trying to install. Also, are you using any sort of mod manager? Perhaps either myself or someone else can help.

Edited by UsernameWithA9
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16 hours ago, UsernameWithA9 said:

So, maybe reply with the engine you're using to play Morrowind, original or OpenMW (include version), elaborate on the issues you're having and list the mods you're trying to install. Also, are you using any sort of mod manager? Perhaps either myself or someone else can help.

Ok! I will try

I got the steam morrowind pack version that includes also bloodmoon and tribunal

I dont use any mod manager ..i wanted to use one but...it seems...i am dumber then "dumb and dumber"!...so ..i gived up

As for mods...well its already a 30+ list :))

but for now..i just want few basic things like...

Better bodies

Patch for purists

( the last morrowind update of possible also)

some companions

some new lands,new clots,new quests ,new race , new guilds,

some better textures...jere and there (example: better wall caves, better waterfall etc)

Just that i want :))for now  

oh another problem.is that the game in its brute forme..just.installed and played as it is...after some time it crushes and takes me to windows desktop 

...thats kind of...all the problems for now


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Awe!  You aren't dumb or dumber.

You've gotten lazy and lost your determination.  You are expecting everything you learned in the past to come up from the cellar of your ancient collection of library artifacts instead.  You've let that part of your mind go into suspended animation, or at it's favorite place living the life of a Rich Mogul.  Now you've got to go through the stages to get it out of the archives in your mental library.  Bring it all up again. 

Don't feel low or stupid.  Becoming Lackadaisical again is what we all suffer from when we think we know enough and forget half of we knew.

So get the tools you used and refresh your memory.  Or!?  Let the bygone brain functions keep Sunning on the beach with a glass that has a tiny umbrella in it to keep the ice from melting faster on a Sunny Day.

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Guest deleted156886133

So you have the GOTY Edition from Steam, which would be the original and not OpenMW. I've never played on the original engine so I have no experience setting up the game/dealing with mods in respect to that. OpenMW has a built-in mod manager. Someone else may be able to assist with adding mods through the original engine or via a mod manager. There's a few to choose from. Maybe someone can make a recommendation. I hear mixed reviews about Vortex but check around.

58 minutes ago, arekutiger said:

oh another problem.is that the game in its brute forme..just.installed and played as it is...after some time it crushes and takes me to windows desktop

What do you mean "after some time it crashes"? I've had OpenMW crash on me immediately after the title screen, when I click Play on a saved game. It's usually because the engine can't find a mod because I've mistakenly disabled it or I'm on the wrong profile. Or sometimes it crashes in-game but that's usually game related or how the game is interacting with a mod. Not relevant here because you said you were attempting to play "in its brute form", which I assume to mean without mods.

Having said all of that, how did you install the game? Manually or was it a direct install from Steam?

You should also probably deal with the Patch for Purists before installing any mods. Did you say that you were looking for the latest Patch for Purists update or the last Morrowind update? If you downloaded the game from Steam, you should have gotten the latest patched version of the game. Apparently, the Patch for Purists picks up where that left off. The latest version for that is here. Be sure to read the install instructions on the description page

After that, you can start with Better Bodies, maybe a companion or three (if a companion is reliant upon Better Bodies, some are, ensure it loads after Better Bodies), new lands, then the texture upgrades because they may effect the new lands. I'd hold off on the quests, installing them one at a time because sometimes quests add certain things to the game that you have to pay attention to. For instance, both of them may add an underground passageway/door to the same spot in the game or one could overwrite some similar aspect of the other mod. I'm sure there are other examples but that's what I got right now. Just little things like that you have to be mindful of.

New races and new guilds? You should be good with adding those. I've never used them so I'm unsure of what to watch out for and I haven't a clue what a new clot is. Sorry.

I think I covered most of it. Hope that helps.

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Even in the setup of the original game without mods it is necessary to use the games start up launcher.  Open Data and put a tick in all the normal boxes  for the games set up there.  Or it won't work when trying to play.

After testing the game without mods, even though it worked I tried to use all the mods I remembered using.  Back to square one.  Opened the launcher again and YUP!  I had to put ticks in the boxes of all the mods installed after running the game first once.

Using LOOT for Morrowind saves us some time installing and getting them in their respective groups makes for a good feeling.  I thought everything will work now.  NOPE!  I discovered I had to run the games Launcher and open Data to tick all of them in there.  LOOT did put them in their respective places so they worked after that.

Remember our mind is a library.  When you see the Ghost in the Archive Rooms speak softly to get her attention and all will be restored easily.  If you start banging around it will just slow you down.   But it's much easier getting all those memories back out of our archive because they are still there then it is going to the Wiki and learning it all over again one step at a time.


Calm now.  Slowly, I turned, inch by inch, step by step, before she screamed at me BE QUIET!  SHHH! 

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Guest deleted156886133
13 hours ago, Pagafyr said:

Even in the setup of the original game without mods it is necessary to use the games start up launcher.

See, that's the information I was missing. I may have made a mistake by mentioning a mod manager. In my defense, I was initially trying to diagnose what was happening by asking if the user was utilizing a mod manager and then later making suggestions. Yesterday, the user messaged me and asked about Vortex, wondering if they should download and install. Ignorant of the original engine's start-up launcher, I said, sure go ahead. The bright side is, the user can most likely benefit from Vortex in the long run. So, I got that going for me.

Anyways, they messaged me back but it was only to say thanks. So, I'm curious on the progress.

@arekutiger, how ya doing over there?



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Hi till now the progress is good..i am not that dumb..just luxury lazy..comes with the age!

The only problem i got its that from time to time the game dissappears !

Yes i play the image gets blocked for a microsecond then i see the desktop walpaper....

Thing is i had this problem.from.the moment i installed morrowind ...sooo idk.

Its.probably becose i play it on my laptop that i have it for like 8 years and never cleaned it up for dust or changed the termo-lubricate for the processors...(at least thats what i think- lazy guilt reminder :)) ...)

Thank you all.for.all the help ..i still have some issues but...

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  • 5 months later...

You should organise your mods in order, first temriel rebuild and similiar mods change game world and new maps second patches for them > mods change your gameplay and add cpntent like cutting room floor and patch of purists >  mods add weapons items armor> mods adding sound and dilouge > mods change npcs amount animation and behawior like morrowind comes alive, repopulated morrowind > mods adding big game mechanics to gamelike change wueast amounts of current guilds and factions or ranking up rewards system, not virtual but effect on gameplay > mods doing small changes like infinity locpics, height weight for npcs > running walking animations > mods adding companions and hostile random npcs like outlaws, bandits, goblins mods to maps > mods adding guilds and factions WITHOUT CHANGE ANY GAME TEXTURE OR MASHED THATS CAUSE YOUR PROBLEM  > mods adding stand alone dungeons and quests with npcs WITHOUT CHANCE ANY TEXTURE OR MASHED IN DATA FOLDER.

Im currently  playing morrowind with 200+ mods right now and there is no single bugs, just rarely crashes when you get in somewhere or get out. Do not forget to add patches for each mod (if there is any patch) before install another mod and youll be alright. I can share my full mod list and you can follow that order if you want.

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