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Hitting some kind of stress limit--need help resolving

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Because when I started developing the mod ( Wayfinder ) I was relatively inexperienced, I worked at it piecemeal without ever hashing out whether the structure I was adopting was going to even be feasible. Now I'm in a position where the mod functions perfectly normally--but when I add an additional (formlist) property to its main script, it breaks the functionality.

Rather than try to articulate how the mod functions, I was hoping someone could just take a look at its broad strokes to see what might be going on. It's primarily csbmagellanquest04locations quest that is involved here and that I think is the problem.

All I have done since the last posted version is add the DLC as masters and attempt to add to that script a formlist property for a formlist containing Solstheim cave map markers. Upon doing this, the skse setname trick to add text entries to the book suddenly stops working. I verify with debugs that all is actually functioning normally, it's just that the text never shows up in the book. Replacing the script with the previous version doesn't return functionality--only replacing the esp, which presumably is storing the property information.

I know it's a big ask, but I'm desperate !


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I don't get it, are you saying your code does not scale, that all part of learning curve, writing code that not hardcoded that scales at smell of oily rag, no self taught coder can write scalable code.. this is an opportunity to become a better coder

let me download your mod and give you an example of scalability, but the odds are you will not like it or maybe understand it..

your code that I adapted

ScriptName Example_OLD Extends Quest

ReferenceAlias[] property mapmarkerAlias auto

Formlist Property csbmagmarkerstowns auto 	    ;index 0
Formlist Property csbmagmarkersInns auto			;       1
Formlist Property csbmagmarkersNordR auto		;       2
Formlist Property csbmagmarkersDwem auto		;       3				======= Formlists full of MapMarker ObjectReferences sorted by location type ========
Formlist Property csbmagmarkersForts auto		;       4
Formlist Property csbmagmarkersNordT auto		;       5
Formlist Property csbmagmarkersCaves auto		;       6
Formlist Property csbmagmarkersBCamps auto		;       7
Formlist Property csbmagMarkersGiantC auto		;       8
Formlist Property csbmagMarkersDLairs auto		;       9
Formlist Property csbmagMarkersMines auto		;     10
Formlist Property csbmagMarkersWTowers auto 	;   	11
Formlist Property csbmagMarkersGroves auto     	;   	12				======= Groves include 'clearing' type locations
Formlist Property csbmagMarkersStrongholds auto	; 	13
Formlist Property csbmagMarkersAdHoc auto		;      20

Int Property FoundLocationType auto

Int QuestIndex
Int FoundLocationIndex
Bool foundalready = false

GlobalVariable Property csbMagMapChosen auto ;conditional

Function FindTheAliasMarkerMatch(int QI)  		;======= QI is the quest index that determines which vanilla quest we're pulling info from and then determining which TEXT we want to add to the book ========

QuestIndex = QI
FoundLocationType = 99
Foundalready = False

ObjectReference RadQuestMapMarker = mapmarkerAlias[QuestIndex].getreference() As ObjectReference

CheckFormlist (csbmagmarkersNordR, RadQuestMapMarker, 2)
CheckFormlist (csbmagmarkersDwem, RadQuestMapMarker, 3)
CheckFormlist (csbmagmarkersForts, RadQuestMapMarker, 4)
CheckFormlist (csbmagmarkersNordT, RadQuestMapMarker, 5)
CheckFormlist (csbmagmarkersBCamps, RadQuestMapMarker, 7)													
CheckFormlist (csbmagMarkersTowns, RadQuestMapMarker, 0)
CheckFormlist (csbmagMarkersGiantC, RadQuestMapMarker, 8)
CheckFormlist (csbmagMarkersDLairs, RadQuestMapMarker, 9)																		;======= Check each of my formlists full of map markers, organized by location type, to find a match with the alias map marker for the vanilla quest
CheckFormlist (csbmagMarkersMines, RadQuestMapMarker, 10)																		;======= Thanks to nexus/xkkmEl for showing me how to streamline the code related to these checks
CheckFormlist (csbmagMarkersWTowers, RadQuestMapMarker, 11)
CheckFormlist (csbmagMarkersGroves, RadQuestMapMarker, 12)
CheckFormlist (csbmagMarkersStrongholds, RadQuestMapMarker, 13)
CheckFormlist (csbmagMarkersAdHoc, RadQuestMapMarker, 20)
CheckFormlist (csbmagmarkersCaves, RadQuestMapMarker, 6)

Formlist csbmagmarkersERDP = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x800, "Wayfinder - ERDP Patch.esp") as formlist
Formlist csbmagmarkersHam = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x800, "Wayfinder - Hammet01 Patch.esp") as formlist

If Game.GetFormFromFile(0x800, "Wayfinder - ERDP Patch.esp") != None                          											;============= Only load these if ERDP is loaded
	CheckFormlist (csbmagmarkersERDP, RadQuestMapMarker, 30)
	;debug.notification("it found that i have the erdp patch and found the formlist")

;debug.notification("we've seen this part of script with no finding that form..")

If Game.GetFormFromFile(0x800, "Wayfinder - Hammet01 Patch.esp") != None
	CheckFormlist (csbmagmarkersHam, RadQuestMapMarker, 35)	

If !foundalready

	 mapmarkerAlias[QuestIndex].getreference().AddToMap()																			;======= If vanilla quest map marker alias not found in my lists, add marker to map as an over-ride so player isn't left without means of finding location
																																	;======= E.g. this will happen if a location mod a player installs adds locations to radiant quests that my mod obviously doesn't know about

If (QI >= 0 && QI <= 100) && foundalready																								;======= Only pass to next function if we've actually found the map marker

	csbmagmapchosen.setvalue(FoundLocationIndex as int)
	;; Start PeterMartyr comment
	;commented out just for convenience  I dont want to copy the whole script:)
	;FindDirectionsNPC(FoundLocationType, True, 0)
	;; End PeterMartyr comment



;  Function below does the dirty work = actual checking through the formlists

Function CheckFormlist (Formlist FormlistPick, ObjectReference RadQuestMapMarker, int LocationType) 

if !foundalready

	int i = FormlistPick.find(RadQuestMapMarker)
	If i >= 0
		FoundLocationIndex = i
		FoundLocationType = locationType
		foundalready = true


  now this the above code made scalable, so it only require changes to properties values done correctly to scale up, the code stays the same, trust me you will not like it :)))

ScriptName Scalable Extends Quest conditional

GlobalVariable Property csbMagMapChosen auto conditional

Int Property QUEST_ID_UNDERFLOW_ERROR = 0 AutoReadOnly
Int Property QUEST_ID_OVERFLOW_ERROR = 100 AutoReadOnly

Int Property NOT_FOUND  =  -1 AutoReadOnly
Int Property GAME_SAVE  =  255 AutoReadOnly
Int Property ZERO_INDEX  =  0 AutoReadOnly

Int Property TOWN           =  0 AutoReadOnly
Int Property INNS           =  1 AutoReadOnly
Int Property NORDIC_RUINS         =  2 AutoReadOnly
{if it was me I would not abbreviate NORDIC_RUINS just saying }
Int Property DWEMER         =  3 AutoReadOnly
Int Property FORTS          =  4 AutoReadOnly
Int Property NORD_TOWERS    =  5 AutoReadOnly
Int Property CAVES          =  6 AutoReadOnly
Int Property BANDIT_CAMPS   =  7 AutoReadOnly
Int Property GAINT_CAMPS    =  8 AutoReadOnly
Int Property Dragon_LAIRS   =  9 AutoReadOnly
Int Property MINES          = 10 AutoReadOnly
Int Property W_TOWERS       = 11 AutoReadOnly
{not sure what "W" is: Western?}
Int Property GROVES         = 12 AutoReadOnly
Int Property STRONG_HOLDS   = 13 AutoReadOnly
Int Property RADIANT_QUESTS  = 14 AutoReadOnly
{I changed 20 to 14 cos it is index value}
Int Property ERDP_PATCH     = 30 AutoReadOnly
Int Property HAMMET01_PATCH = 35 AutoReadOnly

ReferenceAlias[] property mapmarkerAlias auto

Int Property FoundLocationType auto
{value are has stated above}

; csbmagmarkerstowns       ; index 0
; csbmagmarkersInns        ;       1
; csbmagmarkersNordR       ;       2
; csbmagmarkersDwem        ;       3
; csbmagmarkersForts       ;       4
; csbmagmarkersNordT       ;       5
; csbmagmarkersCaves       ;       6
; csbmagmarkersBCamps      ;       7
; csbmagMarkersGiantC      ;       8
; csbmagMarkersDLairs      ;       9
; csbmagMarkersMines       ;      10
; csbmagMarkersWTowers     ;      11
; csbmagMarkersGroves      ;      12
; csbmagMarkersStrongholds ;      13
; csbmagMarkersAdHoc       ;      14
; Note keep this for reference

FormList[] Property myFormlists Auto
{an array of above fill in the KIT}

int Function SearchLists(ObjectReference MapMarker)

  Int index = ZERO_INDEX
  Int result
  While index < myFormlists.Length
    result = myFormlists[index].find(MapMarker)
    If result != NOT_FOUND
      FoundLocationType = index
      return result
  return NOT_FOUND

int Function SearchList(formlist thisList, ObjectReference MapMarker, int LocationType)

    Int result = thisList.find(MapMarker)
    If result != NOT_FOUND
      FoundLocationType = LocationType
      return result
    return NOT_FOUND

Function FindTheAliasMarkerMatch(int QuestID)

    Return ; either underflow or overflow error let not run this for no reason whatsoever
  ObjectReference RadQuestMapMarker = mapmarkerAlias[QuestID].getreference() As ObjectReference

  int found = SearchLists(RadQuestMapMarker)

  If (found == NOT_FOUND  && Game.GetModByName("ERDP.esp") != GAME_SAVE && Game.GetModByName("Wayfinder - ERDP Patch.esp") != GAME_SAVE)
    found = SearchList(Game.GetFormFromFile(0x800, "Wayfinder - ERDP Patch.esp") as formlist, RadQuestMapMarker, ERDP_PATCH)

  If (found == NOT_FOUND && Game.GetModByName(" Hammet01.esp") != GAME_SAVE && Game.GetModByName("Wayfinder - Hammet01 Patch.esp") != GAME_SAVE)
    found = SearchList(Game.GetFormFromFile(0x800, "Wayfinder - Hammet01 Patch.esp") as formlist, RadQuestMapMarker, HAMMET01_PATCH)

  If found != NOT_FOUND
    FindDirectionsNPC(FoundLocationType, True, 0)
    FoundLocationType = NOT_FOUND


 BTW adding DG AND DB is insert into the array at the end and patch index values increase accordingly. 

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