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mod screw up


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Make a Copy of your most Recent Save in your game, and put it in a folder aside from the games.

Go to the Fallout 3 games folder and find the Fallout 3 Launcher exe.  Launch the game with it.  When it opens L-Click on DATA and make sure all the mods in the folder are all checked with the tick mark or x in the little boxes.  Look to find out if all the mods you've installed are shown in the DATA folder that you have installed for the game.  If you find they are all there, and they are all their boxes have the ticked mark so they are active you will need to start systematically checking out the mods.

You must make sure all the mods in the Fallout 3 Launchers DATA folder are all activated.  Even if you used LOOT or another Mod Organizer to set up the mods you may sometimes need to Launch using the FO: 3 launcher and activate them in the window DATA opens.  The mods won't work if they aren't and all ticked just like LOOT or any other Mod Organizer activating them.  Believe me I have used several Mod organizers and for some reason that area where the DATA shows them in the Fallout 3 Launcher exe doesn't always have them activated as well.

If you don't solve any of the problems after making sure the mods are activated in the DATA window then you're going to have to do the following.

( REMEMBER to make a copy of the last SAVE in your latest Play.  Or you could end up having to start the game from the beginning again.)

Now... The next step, if you have to, is...

Find the mod or mods you have installed recently.  Uncheck them in your Fallout 3 DATA folder and your Mod Organizer too (if you have one).  You must do both so you see the mods are all activated and deactivated while you do this.  Then when you launch the game with the original launcher you get rid of any mod problems.

If any of the latest mods have caused the problems it is likely that the mod has the complete set of the same parts as the Fallout 3 CD or your GoG or Steam version copy of the main disk. 

The latest mod may be what is causing the multiple Moiras, the chests over lapping, and so on because each mod has identical items, and outfits that are identical.  You clearly have one mod that has many items; all duplicated in different languages that are giving you doubles you cannot see overlapping each other so it looks like one item.

You've got to clean the mods of the repeated items that are established on the Fallout 3 CD as part of the permanent disks normal standard decor and that are identical in any mod that used the same items of decor or shops items that also is using the CD's permanent items, decor, and NPC's.  It appears you've gotten at least one mod written in another language that also has clothing items identical to the other mods and the Fallout 3 CD too.  They are duplicated on top of each other so they look like one outfit.  Or a mess!

After you copy and Save your most recent main SAVE; Open your mod organizer, the game launcher too, and remove the tick from the most recent one mod you installed from them both.  Start the game to see if it effects the game incorrectly.  If all is good, Save.

Or do this, Untick all the mods from both FO:3 Launcher and the Mod Organizer.  Run the game, SAVE it.  Then, one by one, reactivate one mod of your extra's and run the game again to see if it is good or a problem mod.  If no problems Save

GET yourself a pot of COFFEE or make a Summer Tea jug of EARL GRAY TEA and continue until you fix the problem.  

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