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Strangest Bug with Calcemo's Laboratory


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Doing the Hard Answers quest again, for the hundredth time or so lol, but this time I'm having the strangest experience.  I am on AE, and do have a modest modlist running, (maybe 300 or so, mostly in esl), with nearly all the mods being the same or variants / updates of mods I've used since LE.  What's happening is when I enter Calcemo's laboratory, it's like nothing at all actually loads up except for the world space and clutter, one Markarth guard and one Dwarven Doll, both of which in the chamber immediately before the locked door.  There are no wizard guards, no traps, no spider control staff.  I can console in the keys to get through and quite literally can complete the quest requirements in the laboratory, but it bothers me that nothing is spawning in as it should?  I've scoured this forum and the interwebs and have only seen one other similar post from back in 2011 which had no resolution.  Has anyone else experienced this, and if so were you able to correct it or did you just go on and run through?  Thanks in advance for any information or assistance.

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