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Populating a new settlement via CK commands


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I wanted to add a number of my NPC's to a settlement (that does not yet exist). The NPC's all have workshop scripts and Faction workshop dialoges, but I cannot find a way to bind them into a settlement (even by selecting the master workshop station to do this). I have examined other preset settlment (agricultural) members but cannot see anything relevant in their faction settinge or packages.

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Maybe this will help.  You can put this script on an activator such as a button (link that button to the settlement's workbench).


Scriptname TestWorkshopNPCSpawnerScript extends ObjectReference Hidden Const

ActorBase Property WorkshopNPC Auto Const

WorkshopParentScript Property WorkshopParent Auto Const

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
    if akActionRef == game.getplayer()
        ; spawn a new NPC
        ; get linked workbench
        WorkshopScript workshopRef = GetLinkedRef() as WorkshopScript

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Thanks, but I'm not trying to spawn new NPC's, just puting up a beacon will do that - and provide a mixture of who knows what. I'm trying to link in existing npc's that I have created. Can your script be altered to do that??????

Also, I tried this anyway in a quest script and it does not compile - GetLinkedRef() is not known.

Edited by AndyTheSaurus
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Quest WorkshopParent = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0002058e, "Fallout4.esm") as Quest

(WorkshopParent as WorkshopParentScript).AddActorToWorkshopPUBLIC(WorkshopNPCScript assignedActor, WorkshopScript workshopRef, bool bResetMode = false)


(WorkshopParent as WorkshopParentScript).AddPermanentActorToWorkshopPUBLIC(Actor actorToAssign = NONE, int newWorkshopID = -1, bool bAutoAssign = true)

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I came across this :

In Creation Kit, edit your script so it includes in its properties:

workshopparentscript Property WorkshopParent Auto Const

Then add the line:

WorkshopParent.AddPermanentActorToWorkshopPUBLIC(settlerRef, workshopID)

where 'settlerRef' is the Object Reference of your spawned settler and 'workshopID' is the ID of the workshop you want to assign the settler to. Then compile the script and make sure the WorkshopParent property has filled properly.

Unfortunately, they did not mention how to get the NPC reference. Using the Actor ID kepps the compiler (initially) happy, but does not fill. Then there's the WorkshopID

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You can find something in the base game that does this and study that, specifically quest DN121 "Out of the Fire". One of the quest stages adds Jake to the workshop if you've fulfilled certain conditions. 

That said, is scripting even necessary in this case? You haven't stated you want to do it after an event or condition of some kind, which is the only reason why scripting would be necessary. If you want to add the NPC to the workshop and there's no need for any prerequisites, all you need to do is link their ref to the workshop with WorkshopItemKeyword.

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