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Facegen Chain Massacre


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I'm working on Sexy Hancock v5 now, and trying to export Facegen info, since it's all the kids are raving about these days. I do love that X-cell fixes that, but it makes NPC skin texture mods seem a bit behind on the curve, now.

So, I've redone Hancock's whole thing, even created him his own race so I don' t have to edit GhoulRace or HumanRace too much. He looks good in CK, so I hit CTRL + F4 and export...

...and get this nightmare fuel when I open it in Nifskope.



The face texture looks okay...but I can't stop screaming! (And laughing too, because frankly, look a it.) Welcome to Fallout: Evil Dead.

Thing is, all the vanilla ones I open in Nifskope are also this distorted horror show, yet, except for the one above, they seem to work okay in the game. Hancock is getting the brown face texture, regardless of what I try. It only goes back to normal when I exclude him from X-cell, which is annoying since that's part of the reason to do all this.

Is the distortion above a CK issue, a skeleton/.tri issue, a Nifskope issue, or is it even an issue?

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Did you try to load it in a new game? The brown face texture might be due to an error loading the face textures because it might have a set of textures loaded from the saved game that doesn't match the current mesh.

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Yes, I have a separate MO2 profile set up with several individual save files throughout the main storyline that have zero-mods saved to it--even UFO4P--specifically for testing out stuff like this. (Check out Main Quests Completed Saves. It is one of the best tools I've ever downloaded from Nexus.) 

It's more likely I just don't know what the heck I'm doing with my mod. LOL Or Nifskope, since the vanilla game facegen meshes all look like that just browsing the .bs2 archive in Nifskope. I'm beginning to think this is just how it looks on this version. I'm running Nifskope 2.0 Dev 8, but I see they're up to Dev 9, now.

As for the brown face, even the weird looking vanilla NPC meshes in Nifskope look fine in the game, including their face textures with running X-Cell, so it's possible I just have something in my .esp I overlooked. I'm starting over fresh instead of trying to update the older .esp.

RE: VEFS -- Wow! This is brand new. Even if my problem is something else, this looks like a great tool. Thank you!

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Just checking back in... I tried VEFS and the results aren't any different than Creation Kit for me (although a heck of a lot faster!). And Nifskope still looks freaky, but I'm considering that a non-issue right now since I'm not using Nifskope to edit anything and they all look like that when I view them, even ones straight from the .ba2 archive. I'm inclined to think that's a Nifskope problem (or that I need to roll back a few versions). As far as the brown face bug, he looks fine when I revert back to the non-facegen version. So, still need more testing with X-cell (checking Is Chargen Texture doesn't work). Dunno. Maybe this is just one of those mods that has to has an exception at the end of the X-cell.ini file.

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