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7 Days To Die

List of defect mods


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Okay, since there seems to be NO Option to post directly to a mod to report broken mods, i will mention here mods, that are not working correctly:

Reduced Shotgun Block Damage


2024-09-13T11:32:10 95.615 WRN XML patch for "items.xml" from mod "ReduceShotgunBlockDamage" did not apply: <set xpath="/items/item[@name='ammoShotgunShell']//passive_effect[@name='BlockDamage' and @operation='base_add']/@value">0</set> (line 4 at pos 2)
2024-09-13T11:32:10 95.625 WRN XML patch for "items.xml" from mod "ReduceShotgunBlockDamage" did not apply: <set xpath="/items/item[@name='ammoShotgunSlug']//passive_effect[@name='BlockDamage' and @operation='base_add']/@value">0</set> (line 6 at pos 2)


Increased Mod Slots


2024-09-13T11:32:11 95.798 WRN XML patch for "items.xml" from mod "IncreasedModSlots" did not apply: <append xpath="/items/item[starts-with(@name, 'Mag')]/effect_group[starts-with(@name, 'Mag')]">
  <passive_effect name="ModSlots" operation="base_set" value="1,2,3,4,5,6" tier="1,2,3,4,5,6" />
</append> (line 27 at pos 3)
2024-09-13T11:32:11 95.803 WRN XML patch for "items.xml" from mod "IncreasedModSlots" did not apply: <append xpath="/items/item[starts-with(@name, 'Thom')]/effect_group[starts-with(@name, 'Thom')]">
  <passive_effect name="ModSlots" operation="base_set" value="1,2,3,4,5,6" tier="1,2,3,4,5,6" />
</append> (line 31 at pos 3)
(What is "Mag" and "Thom" ??)


Silet auger


2024-09-13T11:32:15 99.855 WRN XML patch for "sounds.xml" from mod "SilentAugerModletV1" did not apply: <removeattribute xpath="/sounds/sounddatanode[@name='auger_idle']/audioclip[1]/@AudioSourceName" /> (line 3 at pos 4)
2024-09-13T11:32:15 99.856 WRN XML patch for "sounds.xml" from mod "SilentAugerModletV1" did not apply: <set xpath="/sounds/sounddatanode[@name='Auger_Fire_Start']/audioclip[1]/@ClipName">Sounds/Misc/silencefiller</set> (line 4 at pos 4)
2024-09-13T11:32:15 99.856 WRN XML patch for "sounds.xml" from mod "SilentAugerModletV1" did not apply: <set xpath="/sounds/sounddatanode[@name='Auger_Fire_Start']/audioclip[3]/@ClipName">Sounds/Misc/silencefiller</set> (line 5 at pos 4)
2024-09-13T11:32:15 99.856 WRN XML patch for "sounds.xml" from mod "SilentAugerModletV1" did not apply: <set xpath="/sounds/sounddatanode[@name='Auger_Fire_Start']/audioclip[5]/@ClipName">Sounds/Misc/silencefiller</set> (line 6 at pos 4)




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