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Fens and bleachers need lots of fixing


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Salutation Gamers ,  Bathesta is under microsoft are you aware. aquired for 7.8 billions US dollard. 

The comm of this topic is the bugs and annoying glitch, no sound, no choice of dialog, ....  ;  lily who loses her ways and start walking away from the quest position,  missing dialog or not appearing,  double images of the caractere,  you cant pick up the item to complete the quest,  all those are so annoying.  i am greatful and i thanks alot those who did a great job creating the fens but needs also a great fix .   also it is annoying one time you are dissmissed the other you are hired i find it not logic at all.  i suppress my though not to say negative words but i am piss alot,  i didnt stop wasting great time trying to redo and redo for no result . 

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12 hours ago, fraquar said:

Got no issue with females in violence roles - just so long as virtually all of them don't look like NSFW toys.  🫣

It's hard enough looking at perfectly blemished females with bouncing lungs showing off the latest in weapons hardware on every Weapons Mod page....

Thats also a good point, human female attractiveness = high estrogen and low testosterone,  which means thinner skin, thinner bones, less muscle mass, less aggression = less likely to be a good fighter or a fighter at all.

if games were realistic,  successful female fighters in the rare occasaions they show up, would look very butch.

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