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Adding Mod slots to clothing


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Okay so here’s the jist of it. I’m looking to add slots to some clothing I particularly like in the game. Some of it is vanilla, some is downloaded from here and other sites. The thing is, when I followed the admittedly gauge tutorials on how to add slots to in-game clothing, it has caused nothing but a broken game with a crash every time I open the armor work bench.

So here is what I am asking I guess. Is there a way to add armor/weave slots to clothing without using the creation kit and rebuilding the mod from the ground up? If so, how do I accomplish it.

i have some extremely mild experience with XEdit. So far I have been able to massively increase the armor rating of some of the clothing in game, and change a weapon’s caliber and base damage without any negative effects. Then I decided to get adventurous and try to add aforementioned slots to clothing. Now I can’t even seem to undo the damage.

I’d appreciate any help I can get to accomplish my goal. I would also appreciate it if one of the amazing modders out there could give us an easy to follow step-by-step breakdown of the process for adding weave/mod slots.

Thanks in Advance



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When I understand you right you want to add modslots for ballistic weave, etc. to existing clothings. You can easily do that without rebuilding a mod from ground up. Without the CK? Yes, but I find it better with and you are faster with the CK on the long run. I still have game version 163 in use, but I believe in 984 it's the same procedure. So I refer to the CK. Open CK and afterwards click on "File" open. Search for your mod, click on it and on "Set as active File". It will last a moment to load and you will get a window with error messages. Click on "clear" and close this window. In the "Object Window" click on "Armor" on the left side. Afterwards you can search your armor under "Filter". Sometimes modders name their clothings not as you would assume. In this case you can look into the esp/ esl of the mod with Xedit and see how the modder named the clothing(s). When you found it doubleclick on it in the right side of the "Object Window". For ballistic weave, misc(armor) lining and legendary effects you have to right click into "Attach Parent Slots" and add the entries you see in the picture. For ballistic weave and misc(armor) lining you need to right click in "Keywords", too and add "ma_armor_Combat_Torso" and "ma_Railroad_ClothingArmor". You can add damage types and damage resistance easily when you right click in "Damage Type Resistances" and click on "new". The armor slot itself can be changed there, too. But if you do so you have to do the same changings under "ArmorAddon". With this you can have new options for combining clothings. Everything can be in Xedit, too. For me it's easier and faster with the CK. After you made your changings click on save. If your mod is an esp your are done. You could only check whether it's still activated after your changings. In case your mod is an esl you can simply save your changings under a new esp which you can flag as esl afterwards. This can be done in Xedit. At last you only need to activate the new file and find a place in your load order.


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I cannot know which changings you already made. I don't think that you changed the original vanilla clothings, but some that come with mods, right? This can also mean the "vanilla" clothings coming with "CBBE". In this case it might be the best way to reinstall the affected mods and load a save from before you made your changes. Afterwards you could follow my little guide if you are still interested in adding additional mod slots and take one piece of clothing of one mod for testing.

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2 hours ago, subaverage said:

I cannot know which changings you already made. I don't think that you changed the original vanilla clothings, but some that come with mods, right? This can also mean the "vanilla" clothings coming with "CBBE". In this case it might be the best way to reinstall the affected mods and load a save from before you made your changes. Afterwards you could follow my little guide if you are still interested in adding additional mod slots and take one piece of clothing of one mod for testing.

I'll do that and report back. Thank you for helping.

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If you are using xEdit - understand this:


Mod Slots are created by Attach Points - and those require Keywords added to the item in question.

Just make sure you aren't applying the same attach points (keywords) to multiple "components" of the item.

For weapons - this is critical.

For armor - usually there is only 1 component.    If there are more though, heed the advice above.


You will know if you made this mistake when you look in the Workbench and see TWO (or more) slots available for the same component (i.e. a muzzle attachment for a weapon).  


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in case you have the pre-nextgen version of FO4 you need the matching version of the CK. Here is how to download CK version 162: https://steamcommunity.com/app/377160/discussions/0/4512128445072178157/

In Xedit the entries for the piece of clothing I used above are like in the picture (german version). For a legendary slot you need the entry "ap_Legendary" under "Attach Parent Slots". For ballistic weave it's the combination of "ap_Railroad_ClothingArmor" under "Attach Parent Slots" and "ma_Railroad_ClothingArmor" under "KWDA Keywords (sorted)" and for armor lining it's the combi of "ap_armor_Lining" and "ma_armor_Combat_Torso". As you can see you find the entries for damage type and resistance, too. Entries can be added with right click and "add". But I don't know whether you need the full string as in the image or if it's enough to add the entries as written above and I don't know how to add damage resistance in case the outfit has none, either. There will other users who know how to do that, but this in one reason why I use the CK.


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A screenshot is worth a thousand words.  😄

That value below dtPhysical?    That works off a variable function as all resistance does in Fallout 4

To make a long story short:

Whatever that value is - if the incoming damage equals it - it will be reduced by 50%

If it'd 10 and you get 10 incoming?   You take 5.

If it's 1000 and you get 1000 incoming?   You take 500.

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