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Creation Kit froze my character and followers


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HELP PLEASE. Yesterday I used the Creation Kit to set a plugin from Form 43 to 44. While doing that there came 20 warnings and I pressed always ok to go on. After that, I started my Skyrim SE and suddenly my character and my followers were totally stiff in that T-Form, and moving my character looks like it would levitate. So what can I do to revert what that Creation Kit presumably wrecked? I tried to reinstall my skeleton and all animation but this doesn't help. It would be a sheer catastrophe to delete the whole instance and build everything new as I'm level 54 and really have much accomplished until now. Is there any chance or a mod or tool to prove what has gone broken?


Thanx in advance. 

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Thank you for replying. 

Well, it was the plugin NCK30Obj.esp. I tried to reinstall my skeleton XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1988) that I have for my character body which is this BHUNP-Body (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/31126?tab=files) to fix it and put it to the end of my load order. I ran Pandora_Behaviour_Engine_v several times but nothing changed and the issue occurs fundamentally as it also happens when I load very old saves. There must be something broken in the core of the game and I'm eager to figure out what and how to repair this fundamental issue. Do you know where deep in the game's files might be a point responsible for those freezing T effects?

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