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Making changes to in-game terrain and objects?

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So I have brought up this matter before but form a different view. I'm editing the empty wasteland area that is not playable past Nellis to the north right outside the fence. I edited some of the fences to be broken so the player can exit from Nellis to that area, I did landscape editing and changed textures on the landscape, added roads and buildings, basically the whole nine yards, everything on that empty place I filled with locations and stuff. I'm told that to make terrain changes appear as well as some other stuff, I need to generate LOD with LODGen, which I have multiple times, yet nothing changes apart from the objects I placed there. I can see buildings and roads half buried there cause the terrain changes I made just won't show up no matter what I do. I use the GECK only with extender and hot reload for scripting and an esm of my mod. The fences I deleted are still here, basically no change apart from any statics I added to the area. What am I missing here? I used FNVEdit to see if anything conflicts and I got some red stuff indicating problems but I don't get how my mod is tied to others when it simply does changes to places that no mod edits or the base game has nothing placed here, it's a dead zone. What am I not doing right? is there a way to tell through FNVEdit what's the problem or a fix or something? I've had this for months and no answer online, no answer on my side, I'm going nuts here with this.

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1. You might have mods that that editing same area. Said mods are higher priority than your (currently editing) mod, so they dont allow your mod's changes to show. Move your mod to higher priority slot.

2. You might be using game saves that explore this area before so there's cell data on your save. Use another, older, save that havent explored there. Or, hell, just make a New Game character and use that save.

Edited by laclongquan
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Does using the COC command work the same as making a new character? Because I used that and nothing changes. Also, I have tried loading the game with only my mod present and it still doesn't work, so that's making me think there's more to that. I know through FNVEdit that my changes are being overwritten by other mods I have, but I'm trying to grasp why my changes won't show up even after I load the game with only my mod on and nothing else apart from 4Gb and everything else that goes into the directory and stays there until uninstalling, nothing else at all. Furthermore, no mod I have really does changes North of Nellis, that place is dead. This is so baffling.

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Coc only teleport your character to the coc marker in the target cell (without that marker, it's random placement). COC doesnt help anything with cell data baked in the save.

New character mean it's 100% certain you havent visited that area yet. Nothing beat this method to ensure a fresh testing.

Your mods might not affect north of nelis NOW, but that doesnt mean you hadnt installed a mod that affect that area, and you visited there during that period. You might forget about that already.

So no, a new character is irreplaceable. I dont know why you resist this idea: it take about ten minutes to do all the things with Doc Mitchell and run out to Goodspring's fresh air.

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Nah I meant COCing without a save, without any character, but I avoid a new character cause it would take ages to travel to the end of the map where my mod is, but I guess I have no choice. I'm pretty sure there isn't a mod at all that edits the area north of Nellis, apart from the LOD resources from Viva New Vegas, *if* those count as editing the area up there. I will have to try a new character but if the changes don't show up when I only have my mod enabled I don't have much fait that they will show up at all.

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