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Formlist and Alias


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I about 40 vinyls placed through out the world.

I want to have a quest that shows the position of them all but I don't want to create 40 aliases.


Is there a way to put them into a formlist or something else to make the process easier?

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ObjectReferences > Formlist > Script > Quest.RefCollectionAlias > Quest.Objective

example script:

Int iIndex = 0 
While (iIndex < thisFormList.GetSize())
    ObjectReference thisRef = thisFormList.GetAt(iIndex) as ObjectReference 
    iIndex +=1


Rather than using a FormList, the script could have an ObjectReference array property that you statically fill in (but I find that to be a tedious PITA to find long lists of objects across multiple cells).


If you are publishing an ESP so placed ObjectReferences are persistent and they have unique attribute like GetIsID base forms or Keywords you can skip the FormList & Script, just use a conditional fill for the Quest.RefCollectionAlias.


ps why is nexus new editor so totally f*#@ed using spoiler and code sections ?

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