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MO2 loading previous FO4 instance files in my FO4 directory after a fresh install and creating a new instance.


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Hey all,

I ran into an issue with a heavy modlist that broke my game and it's still broken after a fresh install and new mo2 instance with NO MODS. Went through the full uninstallation with removing everything from the game directory, AppData, and documents folder. Reinstalled FO4 and rolled back to the previous version and using the pre update F4SE. Set up a new instance and deleted the previous instance with 500 mods.... Launched the fo4 launcher to generate .ini's and then launched f4se. It works great the first time I launch it but as soon as I exit and launch it again it refuses to load.

Investigating it further and after too many fresh installs (I've spent a whole day so far trying to find out how to fix this) I noticed issues after the first successful launch of F4SE. Once I close f4se, my old reshade/enb/plugins from my previously deleted mo2 instance are loaded directly into my FO4 game folder. It's like mo2 is loading cache data from my old profile onto my new one with the physical files...

Is there any way to fix this? I've tried clearing the cache under the Nexus tab in settings and it's still happening. I would try uninstalling and reinstalling mo2 but I have skyrim and a few other games managed with mo2 that I do not want to loose.




Fresh FO4 instance



FO4 game directory beforeScreenshot2024-10-12012525.thumb.png.a66fba48ee750133223717ec0172d784.png


FO4 Game Directory after launching and closing f4se 

This contains all my old ENB, ReShade, and f4se tools from my previous FO4 instance that I deleted after a fresh install.


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Most likely, it isn't MO2 doing this.  MO2 doesn't touch your game folders; it just loads the game and your mods in its own virtual file system.

Are you loading some utility (through MO2 or on its own) that would create these files?  Or loading ENB with the game? 

EDIT: Or running some some kind of backup/restore utility in the background, that might be putting the deleted files back?

Edited by AaronOfMpls
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