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Hermaeus Won't Teach Second Shout, does not continue dialogue


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In the Quest "Gardener of Men", the book opens and a prompt to speak to him appears. All goes well until he exits dialogue and does not proceed speaking, therefore softlocking me out of learning the second shout of Bend Will and halting the quest. From what I see there shouldn't be anything bugging out the quest in SSEEdit. Another clue is that after you open the book, he's suppose to forcegreet you, but I get a prompt to talk to him, the marker pointing to an invisible activator behind me.

Edited by DudelSaur
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When that glitch happened to me on one playthrough, I found that the only way to overcome it was to reload an older save. In my case, it basically meant doing everything leading up to that encounter, including the part of the overall quest that leads to the room with the Black book that gets you there.

Having said that, you might be able to cosole override the quest stage(s) itself/themselves, grab a copy of the black book using Add-Item Menu, and then force the second shout "learning" using console command or a mod, but I'm not entirely sure that would cover all the bases, or incidentally leave something out that causes problems downstream in the whole black book saga, so I'd recommend the first suggestion, to be safe, even if it feels plodding to have to.



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@anjenthedog I have gone back a couple of saves, redid everything (up to the quest cleansing the stones), but same result. Another user suggested on discord that animations can meddle with the Dragonborn MQ, citing "New Animation Pack". I'm not sure if that's a single mod or its a modlist. If its the latter, then I could cross reference it with the animation mods in my list.

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You could try verifying your game files and trying again, IF you are running the latest version of SE (1.6.1170).  If verifying doesn't fix this immediately, then you could try to repeat the quest sequence again, as you just did.

Are you running the Unofficial Patch?  If not, this might be one of the glitches it fixes.  Check at its page on the Nexus for the discussion link(s).

I run Nether's Follower Framework, and have found that multiple followers can interfere with some quest/dialog triggers.  Leave all but one (or all) of your followers outside, and try the scene again.

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I don't think that you have to dismiss any followers that are not present, it is just that they sometimes block trigger points/areas for dialog and quests.  The more followers in your company, the greater the likelihood.  I use the regular version of Dwemer Storage Cube ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/475 ), and that is a perfect place to park followers for a time, at least once you gain its possession.  There is a fancier version available, and the acquisition of the cube is very dangerous for even lvl 20-30 player characters.

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Alright, so I did a process of elimination of the animations on a new save and to see if one of them halts Mora's Forcegreet and... nothing. I'm going to move onto parking my followers elsewhere. Worse case, I console through the quest on my old (booo : (  ).

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