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Rog Ally x: Mod to increase FPS without losing quality


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I installed the game on my recently purchased Rog Ally x, I'm treating myself to a light modding, compared to what I have on the primary PC, which improves the aesthetics and at the same time also improves it on general performance, having to work on a GPU integrated into the CPU and therefore with obvious performance limits. I never play at low wattages, usually I play in turbo mode 25w or, most of the time, connected to the power outlet at 30w, currently, in 1080p, outdoors, with the mods installed, I travel on 45/52 fps and indoors largely above 60/70 with the following vanilla settings:
Resolution: 1080p
Antialiasing: TAA (best)
Anisotropic filtering (16 samples)
Ultra texture quality
Ultra shadow details
High shadow distance
High decal quality
Ultra lighting quality
Ultra sunbeam quality
Bokeh depth of field (best)
SSAO best
Reflections, humidity, rain occlusion, motion blur, lens flare activated
In the viewing distance I have not maxed the various parameters, they are more or less all over half of the bar but not maxed, to obtain greater performance, also the quality of distant objects and the nuance objects are set to "high".

In short, for playing on an integrated GPU (with 8 GB of VRAM allocated), I was quite impressed by the quality of the setting that I can use, about fifty fps on the outside and over 60 indoors are a lot on a handheld PC console

On the subject of mods I installed various retextures at 1k, which compared to the vanilla originals are splendid, as mods for now I have installed:
Darker Nights
Various Vivid Fallout 1k
True Storm Wasteland Edition
Interiors Enhanced 2.0
Insignificant object remover (for better performance)
Improved wood textures
A little bit of green (low resolution).
Of course no Enb, I really think it would weigh it down beyond measure.

Now, if you mod experts on this game, wanted to go even further to improve the aesthetics, but also looking at the performance, not having infinite performance, what else would you install? Are there any mods that improve stability and maybe give me a performance boost without losing visual quality or even increasing it compared to the limits of the vanilla version?
Already now, seeing the game with the settings and mods described is exceptional, it's sensational that on a handheld I was able to push myself so much, but maybe there are some mods that I don't know about that allow you to push yourself a little further without losing graphic quality. Tell me what you think!

Edited by Vatanabe
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You did already some "tuning" and I don't want to recommend any mods, but what you can try is to play a bit with your graphics settings: Anisotropic filtering - you could try to lower it down to 8 and will normally see almost no (if at all) difference. Ultra texture quality - the same. Lowering down to high will hardly been noticed. Shadows are performance killers. So playing around with lower setting might bring a good compromise between performance and quality. For improving optics without big performance impact you could try a careful use of reshade. At a resolution of 1080p especially "lumasharpen".

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