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Need help with standing DEAD NPC in-game?


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I currently have a couple dead npcs that i created for my game. How do i get the NPCs to fall  down like a corpse and not just stand there t-pose or something? I emptied out their health to zero. and placed them in their respective cells for the player to stumble across them. But have no idea how to proceed with making them into corpses. they should "Fall over" on their own. i think judging by how the game engine runs. my guess? It might have to be the use of coc console command that i used to teleport to the cell but not cleanly teleport to the cell so if i used an actual method to fast travel and get into the cell the old fashion way it would work probably.


it only worked it seemed like for one of the Dead NPCs the "Vault 19 Powder Ganger" i placed in Vault 19 where the geckos live basically but the rest the dead vault 11 overseer and dead vault 22 scientist are all still standing when i coc into the game's cell with console commands.

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You can also hold ctrl+alt to drag a physics object around with your mouse and position corpses with more personality.

Especially useful because just letting them fall with havok sim causes them to fall in a very particular position every time. (And you will never stop noticing it once you know this.)

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it worked on the new mod just need to update my other mod so that it works better then just "placing the NPC in the interior.


also i think Havoc sim doesn't seem to work for me in interiors? but when i do it outside the game world it seems to work just fine and the NPC falls to the ground. In the Armored Vault Suit Collection i placed a few NPCs in their respective vaults dead of course. But before i did the havoc sim or manually place the body myself through CTRL + ALT.


it might just be my version of the GECK which to that i am using GECK Extender.

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Havok sim gets "jammed" sometimes in my experience. You can try toggling the sim it on and off, reloading the cell or you can just replace the entity you're trying to position with physics.

With the Ctrl+Alt functionality you also want to make sure there are no transparent effects like dust in the way, which might be the problem you're having in interiors. You can hide things that are getting in your way by selecting it and pressing 1. Once to make it transparent and twice to make it invisible. (and you can reset all stuff hidden this way by refreshing the render window with F5.)

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