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Sentry bot in a can script?


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I want to have sentry bots in pods like how protectrons sometimes are.  I've got the pods lonked to a terminal, but the bots are active.

The vanilla scripts don't seem to have a command to render the bots unconscious, which is what I would expect to happen.  My guess is that there's another script to do that but I can't find it.  How exactly do they work?

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I don't know if there's scripts in the game for that -- maybe there is.

Just a few alt ideas below.

Could they be dead in the pod and resurrected when the pod is activated?

Also, there's a function for captured NPCs where they do nothing but stay in one place, and all they can do is say stuff. Not sure if works on creatures.

And there's some ai functions too that might be useful like disabling ai etc. And maybe disabling movement iirc.

Probably would find something in ai functions section in geckwiki website that could help making a script for what you want to do.

Edited by Drarack
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Yeah you seem to have the right idea like you write a script for them that has setunconscious == 1 until your condition is met. That doesn't work? Could try brute force it with a quest script that checks the terminal condition, return if not met, and robots.setunconscious == 0 if it is met. You using hotreload?

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I used an if block in the quest script testing whether the protection pods were closed, with the SetUnconscious command disabling them if so.  Both the bots and one of the pods, or at least an enable parent, need to have defined refIDs obviously.

Could probably also use the terminal or whatever activates them to change a quest variable directly come to think of it.

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