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[WIP] Collect Unique Weapons Quest


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Scripting holotapes is tricky. But it might have been a quest script delay making me write more code than I needed too, so I may confused CoPilot AI as well. I did get the same answers, no matter if I was logged in or not. Well CoPilot sure knows how to script all Bethesda games. I did ask about Papyrus, and got answers similar to what I did write in my Skyrim scripts. So damn convinient. It also knows obse, fose and nvse and JIP.

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Before I take a dinner break, editing and making new quests just goes faster all the time. I do have a nice template that I use, well copy into a new record in Xedit, save, open it in GECK, edit, save, play. Like a bloody fast automatic car factory ala Ford 1914.

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Right now, the hunt for the MIRV inside the Depot in F3, well the current quest points at a locked door, fine, that will keep the player busy, wondering, WTF now? Is it obvious that the switch is close by? No it is not. It is a bloody 4 leveled house with loads of rooms. I decided to delete the quest, well copy it in Xedit, so it gets a new ID, so I can start fresh, as in my current save game, I am at a higher stage, so lets do it properly, from start. I will make a short list as a reminder to clear my head.

  1. 5 prequests to get the Keller holotapes. (doing the 3rd right now)
  2. Set a pointer to the door at the outside
  3. Next pointer to a door on the inside, update quest with stage and if in cell blah blah
  4. If in cell blablahblah, update to the next door
  5. the final door
  6. the door switch
  7. the final objective.

It is still a challenging and fun quest. It was fun exploring without having a single clue about what I was doing. I had to sit and see a 20 min long video and that was good, as I should know all these details as a quest maker really and game master, as they are called in D&D or Game Host or whatever. This is the way Bethesda makes quests. Copilot would agree with me, even if that AI told me yesterday to make challenging quests, to enhance the game play.  😄  I will do my very best mr Faulty and I know nooothing. I am from Barcelona


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Another thing I did wrong when I tested the quest in the bunker the first time, was to jump up at the top floor. That is not possible if you have not modded your jump height, which I have, 3x, so I did run the whole labyrinth in the wrong direction, did not get any more wise coming out at the start.  😄   I did find an unused journal that I will use, as I will add it close to the locked vault door. That journal is about that specific door. Damn, it was good I did check the wiki and that video. That quest will have 4-5 more stages than I normally do, but so what?  It must be good, must it not?  I did learn a lesson but I also memorized the whole building in the progress.

Do I know what I am doing? I sure hope so. Beta testing is vital and I sure make a lot of mistakes. When the quest is completed, so am I with the editing and I sure had a lot of fun in the process as it is unique, well so far it is, at least.  😄

Is it something I am good at, it is navigation and buildings, as a former WIFI designer and Surveyor. I did add 650 access points in our city during 9 years, and 1982, I took a skipper degree, allowing me to skip ships in the pilago area of 5400 bruttotonage ton and max 8 passangers.  😄   Navigation is natural for me for sure. Is it special to drive boats in the pilago? Yes, it is dangerous, but we sure have good sea charts and I never drove up my boat up on dry land or grounded it. I did destroy a propeller ones though, but I knew in before hand that, that shallow water was a challenge between 2 bigger isles. Which is my favorite Isle then? Well this one, which me and my former GF used to have for our self, except when we brought friends. Do zoom out. How hot is the air that period? 25-30 degrees C. We did met another couple there ones, but that was rare. Just zoom out. Water temperature? 22 C July to October. What would have happen if we got engine problems there? Well that did not a 16 year old skipper think about really. I did get engine problems 1983, my last day out at sea with that old boat. Had to make signs for help and I sure got help as well. That's the law at sea, you must aid anyone in need. If you do not, you will get to prison, up to 2 years.

Well, about boats, I did met Julian in this video below a year ago at school and I love their new designs as well. Candela, Swedish shipyard. I do think they are based in my town, I do not remember really, but otherwise, what did he do there, presenting their company to us 3D CGI students?  😉 I do miss my old wooden boat really but not the hard work preparing it for the summer in 0 degrees in February, freezing my butt off, in deep snow.  😮

This isle was also very cool. It is called the Button. We did visit it often as well. What about the other isles?  Very crowded during the summer, finding a spot where you where 100% alone was not easy.

The engine is made by Polestar, Gothenburg, next to Volvo HQ, 20 min drive from my flat. 1 bloody h with the bus.

But Stockholm? We need such boats in Gothenburg and I also used to go by boat to school, crossing that river that divides our city. Am I able to drive it? Yes, but with max 8 passengers, no more. I bet this boat will be a big success and so will their smaller ones as well. We sure need such boats in DC.  😄  And South East NV. Can I make them in 3D, yes I can.  😄 What do I need to do to be able to have more passengers? Well the Sea University at Chalmers Technical University for 2-4 years or so.  😮  I think you have to be a steersman. Skipper is not enough. There is something in between that is allowed to have more passengers, but I forgot the name.


Is it fun driving boats?  Is anything fun in the long run?  I would say no. I did drive a 10 hour journey ones, I could not walk when I came off shore. I was very dizzy. But an hour or 2 in a week, that is fun.

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I did start to make my FNV mod today, I do it remote as my GFs laptop is to slow for Geck and I put my esp in google drive in between edits.

However, FNV Geck seems more sensible than F3, When I add a topic, they disappears, if I do not make sure that I make a new one. Fortunately I do see what bugs or rather mistakes I am making in FNVedit, so I can delete them there and go back to GECK, continue edit. I really hate the mini, tiny column dividers in GECK. They do always have correct size in Oblivion CS or even Skyrim/F4 CK. What about Morrowind? Well all menus are sorted in tabs, which makes finding right object types a pure hell, but still it works. I really would have made this wit Oblivion CS if that was possible as it works just perfect. Well look at the Oblivion CS expander. It is amazing. i just made a post to the author, demanding him to make a version for our games. 😄   Will he do it? No way he will.

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It is so easy to make mistake in FNV GECK like this one. This topic did just disappear in GECK. This does not happen in F3 GECK. I did as I usually do, just right-click and create a new topic. We must be careful WHERE we right click in FNV. So I destroyed that 188AlexanderPCAchievenment instead, by Right-Clicking at it.

Just look at this mess.




Delete edit and start all over - again...  😕    Damn...  We need the real original Oblivion CS Expander...  😄  Damn...


This is extremely hilarious, Skyrim VR with AI Voice Acting on the fly


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Status FNV? Well the NPC Sam Colt is created. I did make some basic stuff with him, like making him into a simple companion, adding Repair, a shop and allowing the player to access his inventory, so a lot of basic scripting. I also added the ability to give him body parts for him to study to increase his medicine skills, which gives the player some gold and karma. I did not make him a shop chest yet. The thing is, I do think he use ammo from his own shop when he is fighting, that bastard, without paying himself a bloody dime. He is a bloody thief. In Sweden we are not allowed to use our shops items, not without paying the taxes for them. Who cares? Well honestly, not many.  😄  Still it is a matter of how you book keep them really. It is probably best to pay for them so you do not get nasty questions from your accountant.

2 quests are created, the basic quest that holds all variables and basic dialogue and the initiating quest, that starts 2 days after the Hover Dam is completed, where he tells the player who he is and what it is he wants. He also inform the player, that he wants to assist in his quests and so far it works great in F3, where we made 19 quests together so far. The scripting for holotapes are also solved. Is it really important for the adventure to read and listen to holotapes? Well honestly, no it is not, not at all. What is important is to get to the goal and have fun in the process. What happens after we finally made our goals? Well we make up new goals. Where does it all end? IDK!!!  It ends when my imagination ends.

I did set one final goal in F3, to be able to get to FNV and focus at FNV and that is when we found all original Unique weapons in Washington D.C

Step 2 is to find all Unique weapons in New Vegas, using quests.

Step 3?  I guess, peeking at new worlds, new land areas or quest less caves and similar. How to make my quests to work with them?  Well IDK, but one of the mods must be turned into an esm, which one? Well that is hard to answer right now. I do guess it is best to really rename the land areas to esm. Rename and that is it? No way. It must also be flagged as an esm and I will include a short instruction how to do it easy and fast with Wrye Bash , Xedit and GECK. The player has to choose which method they fancy. Why do all that extra work? Why not? I love to follow a quest, simple as that. Team work makes sense to me and my current team mate is Sam Colt.

So what if I want him to increase in Science? What should he love to study?  Vacuum cleaners?  😄   Science is basically used when hacking terminals right?  But what else?  Repairing?  What would he really like to get his hands on to become a better hacker?  Something we have no use of at all?



F3 GECK is much faster to use than FNV GECK. I did try it first on my GFs laptop, and I felt it did take sooo long time, so I installed FNV at my game computer, a new AMD, fast as light but still it sure takes time to create topics and new forms amd objects...   😕  Why?  IDK!!!.  Why is F3 Geck so much faster???  IDK!!!   Fose maybe?  I use nvse and JIP on FNV GECK.

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So how did it go? The hunt for that bloody MIRV?

This was a bit frustrating, with or without the quest really. It is hard no matter what and what is so damn hard? It is a labyrinth, with extremely many stages to do and also make. To be sure I am at the right stage, in the right cell, doing the right step, I needed to do a lot of trial and errors, still know where the hell I was. This is the hardest quest I have ever made in my life and no wonder that Bethesda skipped it, as this really drew me nuts. I had to take long breaks, relax, write a lot of no sense everywhere, just avoid it as my head was so damn tired. So, I had not touched this in 2 days and now I told my self.

-Damn you. Pull your self together and just do it, your bloody misfit.

Well so I did, and now I start the next quest. I will miss this one for sure as it was fantastic to make it and to play it. What I also did was to install new textures and they do flicker but still they look great. If I get migraine from the flickering, I need to uninstall them. I do bet a normal's is broken really and I could try to make new ones but I am not sure right now in which format to save them. Well I make a new topic about it. I am happy right now anyway as I did manage to pull this off and I feel proud, no doubt.

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