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UseWeapon package isn't firing after an NPC.Moveto(Location) script

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I have this snippet of script in a quest stage. Bob has a UseWeapon package that activates successfully when the quest stage triggers. However, when I uncomment the "Bob.Moveto" line, it moves Bob successfully--but stops the UseWeapon package from activating, even if I place a "Bob.EvaluatePackage()" afterward.

Any ideas why? It seems I can't move Bob to his house and activate the UseWeapon package...

; Bob.Moveto(BobHouse)



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MoveTo() may not fully complete before EvaluatePackage()

If the actor is supposed to be 3d loaded (cant remember if EvaluatePackage actually works with unloaded 3d) you can add;

(Bob as Actor).EvaluatePackage()

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