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How can I fix this?


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Well, the second one means either:

  • You need the right version of Address Library (the one for 1.6.1170, if you're running that version of Skyrim SE now).
  • Or possibly your downgrade back to a previous version (e.g., 1.5.97, 1.6.640) might not have been completely successful.
  • Or possibly Vortex and/or your game are confused about which version you have now.

I'm not familiar with Vortex myself (been using Mod Organizer 2 instead), so I'm not sure what to do with the first one, beyond maybe hitting Install Dependencies to reinstall those apparently-missing mods.

I'm also not familiar with the downgrade process, since I didn't even have SE set up until the current 1.6.1170 had already dropped, and I haven't downgraded.

Edited by AaronOfMpls
added last sentence; small revisions
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