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F03 Steam GOTY & BOSS issue


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Good morning Nexus peeps!


I've looked through the first 10 pages of topics here and not seen the issue discussed, so here goes.

PC Specs:
Processor is a quad core i7-2600 cpu running at 2.4ghz/3.4ghz w/turbo
RAM is 12 GB
Graphics card is an AMD Radeon 6700 with 1024mb VRAM

Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1

NMM 0.46.0
FO3 GOTY edition through Steam.
BOSS 2.1.1

I was getting a Critical Error: ".\Fallout 3\modlist.txt" cannot be found!" message when I run BOSS for Fallout 3, whether I ran it from a command line, or the BOSS GUI. (sidenote: BOSS finds my Steam Skyrim mods just fine.)

I fixed the critical error issue by opening Notepad, and creating a modlist.txt file with my current list of .esm and .esp files listed in NMM and saving them in the BOSS Falout 3 folder. BOSS worked based on that file and I got my load order sorted.

But how do I get BOSS to find my FO3 mods automatically so I don't have to manual edit the modlist every time I add a mod? ? ?

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