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How does an action choose a particular hkx animation file?


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Trying to get some basic idea of how the names of hkx files are related to actions.

I known the Race Subgraph has the relationships between the Race Behavior Graph hkx, the NPC, the Furniture, and the locations to find the correct animation files - but I don't know how a particular Action/Idle picks an animation file name to use.

Example... To force an NPC to sit you use the Action "ActionInteractionEnter [AACT:0002248F]", which generally resolves to the Action Idle "FurnitureEnterFromStand [IDLE:00024577]" (for generic furniture and human NPCs) with Behavior Graph "FurnitureBehavior.hkx" and Animation Event "sitStartFromStand".

For most Furniture this seems to resolve to looking for "EnterFromStand.hkx" animation file.

My question is - how does the game go from the behavior Graph (and Event name) to the name of the hkx it wants to use?

Is it somehow in the Behaviour graph file?

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What an incredibly useful tutorial! Why did I not know about it until now (would have saved me time working this out for myself) - though it goes into animating and rigs (there be dragons). Thank you again South8028, I would never have thought to look for a mod for this info...

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