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Request to add a utility-mod that allows simple converson of any NPC into unique code, so they can be changed via SLM


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I know the Holy Grail, right?

But I know this is possible since recently I tried, "Simple Enslavement" and it already does such a thing.

There a person is knocked out via knockoutframework and on wakeup one can pick an option to convert to unique coded NPC to change her apperance via SLM.

BUT there are moral issues involved IMHO with using this mod, plus its pretty involved. Plus knockout framework does not allow me to pick and choose at will, since knockouts are near impossible to accomplish on command. But even so this proves it can be done as the "knocked out" condtion clearly as a gaming feature of that mod and almost certainly not a neccessary condtion of the change of code in the software.

I know some of the hard hitter modders often come on here sometimes so :

Thank you for reading and considering 🙂

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