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Referencealias script and quest fragment properties

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I have a quest with a bazillion aliases, I have a script attached to each alias:

Scriptname dz_magazine_alias_clear extends ReferenceAlias
;;;designed to clear the alias once the objectreference is activated to prevent it reappearing as a quest objective if the item is dropped;;;

ReferenceAlias[]	Property	my_array		Auto
Int					Property	my_objective	Auto

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
	debug.trace("DMR: magazine alias is now "+Self.GetReference())

Function dz_check_magazines()
	Quest my_quest = Self.GetOwningQuest()												;get the quest
	Int i = my_array.Length																;size of array
	Int j = 0						
	int count = 0																		;to count filled aliases
	While j < i
		If my_array[j].GetReference()													;is alias filled
			count += 1
		j += 1
	If count == 0																		;if no filled aliases
		my_quest.SetObjectiveCompleted(my_objective)									;complete objective


I'm aware that the script may have deficiencies, but it's the referencing a pre-existing array that I wish to crack.  Is there another approach that may be equivalent?



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Define and manage the array on a central quest attached script and get the alias scripts to access it via:

ReferenceAlias[] myArray = (Self.GetOwningQuest() as myQuestScriptName).myArray

OR even more elegant is to put all the logic in the central quest attached script function and call it from the alias scripts:

(Self.GetOwningQuest() as myQuestScriptName).myFunction(thisReferenceAlias = Self)

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Well yes you can do it that way if you are mad, but alias scripts calling alias scripts is not best practice:

ReferenceAlias[] myArray = (Alias_otherReferenceAlias as otherReferenceAliasScriptName).myArray

Shared data and functions is exactly what a central quest attached script is for.

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Ah, misunderstanding. I don't want to reference an alias script from another alias script.  I want one alias script that is attached to all aliases.  Originally I wanted to set the properties of that script to be different for some aliases and for that property to be one of the arrays defined as a property of the quest fragment.  That way each alias has the same script but when the script runs it will operate on a specific array.

It seems in my testing that setting an array in the properties dialogue only allows manually filling it.

So I'm thinking that your suggestion of putting it in the main quest script makes sense, with a function to return a referencealias array according to a passed in string or int that is specified in the alias script and set by that alias script instance's properties:

Scriptname dz_magazine_quest_script extends Quest

ReferenceAlias[] Function dz_magazines_array(String array)
If array == "005"
	Return refarray_005

ReferenceAlias[] Property refarray_005 Auto Const

ReferenceAlias[] Property refarray_anarchy Auto Const

ReferenceAlias[] Property refarray_charo Auto Const


Scriptname dz_magazine_alias_clear extends ReferenceAlias
;;;designed to clear the alias once the objectreference is activated to prevent it reappearing as a quest objective if the item is dropped;;;

String	Property	array	Auto
Int	Property	my_objective	Auto

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
	debug.trace("DMR: magazine alias is now "+Self.GetReference())

Function dz_check_magazines()
	ReferenceAlias[] my_array = (Self.GetOwningQuest() As dz_magazine_quest_script).dz_magazines_array(array)
	Quest my_quest = Self.GetOwningQuest()												;get the quest
	Int i = my_array.Length																;size of array
	Int j = 0						
	int count = 0																		;to count filled aliases
	While j < i
		If my_array[j].GetReference()													;is alias filled
			count += 1
		j += 1
	If count == 0																		;if no filled aliases
		my_quest.SetObjectiveCompleted(my_objective)									;complete objective


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