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Question about the Fallout 4 next-gen update and mods.


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If I download the mod needed to roll-back my Fallout 4 game to before the next-gen update in order to use mods that have not been update to work with the update, will mods that have been created after the update or updated to work with the update still work? Or am I stuck choosing either pre-update or post-update?

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Some mods that were created after the update uses the new BA2 archive format. For these mods, you need to patch them to use old BA2 format (I think there are some mods that can do this) or you need to extract their archives and make them loose files if you want to use these mods with the old update.

For Script Extender mods that have been updated, you need to make sure to download the correct version of these mods that were made for the version of the game that you are playing. For the old version that is 1.10.163. For newer versions it's 1.10.984. Some mods (High FPS Physics Fix, for example) have one main file for the old version and one for the new. Others (Place Everywhere, for example), you need to look under 'Old files' to find the version for older game versions.

By the way, there is a Fallout 4 forum here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/forum/8900-discussion/. You might have gotten a quicker answer there.

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