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S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 Mod ideas


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After playing the game for quite a while now ive come up with a few Mod ideas

-NVG's/Binoculars We desperately need these asap 

-Visibly holstering weapons across your chest

-Helmet Equipping animations/gas mask overlay/rain effects on visor

-Tarkov Style mag loading Like in ESP

-Gun checks/inspections

-Better Flashlight Brightness

-Tinnitus Effects from explosions

-PDA Animations



Ill Add more as I think of them but this is the main mods I think that could really help the game as a whole for not only immersion but overall QoL improvements

-Hardcore mode aka needing sleep water and food

-smoking animations

-portable sleeping rolls or the ability to make your own shelter

-crafting of ammo/meds

-ability to see and or scan enemies to see what faction they belong to



Edited by HunterHume
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-Canted sights

-Better lasers/Lasers for AR's that don't allow it

-More tacti cool gear/But rugged gear/clean gear (im a sloot for it im sorry)

-An armored version of the 3 piece suit the guy in the story wears

-more weapon mods

-3rd person maybe for viewing character

Just some more ideas :D


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