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Help editing specific items in a nif


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I can't find a version number, but the pynifly version I'm currently using is from march 2022 by the looks of it. So that would be something like v4.2. For me that one does all I need and the way I want. (I did change the order of games, so fallout 4 is on top and therefor always default)

I usually import a nif to blender, do what I want to do & create a bunch of primitives to make up the collision. I then export the model & collision to 2 new nifs.

The one with collision geometry I then import into 3DS, turn it into a BGS collision and export it. I then copy the niNode with the collision to the nif with the model and run it trough Elric.


Since reverting to Blender 3.5 and the old pynifly (next to downgrading Fallout, CK & Plugin for 3DS to the old gen.) it has been working fine again.

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Posted (edited)

It appears my problem might be a material file? The plywood roof to be specific (WoodyPlywood01.BGSM / resroofplywood01_d.dds). I exported each layer separately and then linked each one until it crashed the CK. I then replaced the material in that layer with another one used in the file and no crash. Took it a step further and tested swapping back in the WoodPlywood01 in both Nifskope and the CK resulting in no crashes. 

So why would the default Nif using the same material file work but cause the exported Nif to crash the CK?

Edited by Crash180
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It absolutely shouldn't. It's just a reference. Therefor the material itself can not give 2 different results.

Did you compare the other settings for the BSLightingShaderProperty like Shader Flags 1 & 2 etc.?



& (if all is the same) what happens if you just delete the shaderProperty and copy/paste it from the original?

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I saw several differences in that branch so I replaced the entire branch and now it does not crash the CK. Brought it in game and noticed the collision was boogered as I was able to walk through walls. Replaced that block as well and all is mostly well. My character stops momentarily as I go across the top of the stairs.

BTW. I did figure out how to get the original missing nodes to export so the file now has collision and BSXFlags blocks in the Nif.

In the attached image the original is on the left and export on the right.

So, do you know what might be causing those block differences? I'm even willing to admit to operator error.

shader differences.jpg

shader differences 2.jpg

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Weird. There are 2 main differences visible here.

1: the copy does not have the "Wet Material" template assigned. I don't recall the lack of one could cause a CTD, but you could try adding that one.

2: Environment mapping has been added to the "Shader Flags 1" property, as well as a texture (cubemap). Why? this is only needed for shiny/reflective objects (glass, chrome, water)

Adding the environment mapping to the nif could cause some trouble if the original material (bgsm) used does not. CTD? not sure, but you should definately remove that one as it has no use with a piece of wood. Imho.


Its always best to keep the settings inside the material file & the nif exactly the same. (so, open up that BGSM and make sure the nif corresponds with that.)

Not even Beth did that for all assets, so usually it should not cause (too much) trouble, but lets not use the poor handling of assets from Beth as an example of 'good practice' 😉

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That's a fair point. Just because I am using their files doesn't guarantee they are squared away. I'll check them over and look at the export settings again. Maybe try another version of Pynifly.

I originally thought learning Blender was going to cause me the most trouble.

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Posted (edited)

I switched to Blender 3.5 and Pynifly 4.2 and was able to export a Nif that did not crash the CK. The problem layer matched the original except it switched out the wet material texture. All layers are using this. The two NiNodes for collision and RampHelper are gone but the BSXFlags are there. I compared the BGSM file to the Nif and they match.

shader differences 3.jpg

Edited by Crash180
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Sounds good.

You could just copy/paste the two NiNodes for the collision & helper to make it complete. (but only if the model still matches those. Otherwise you need to add something new.)


As for the Wet Material. This is one of those things I dislike about pynifly. It is focused on clothing, like Outfit Studio. Not on general assets like walls. This gets worse with each update.

Although it should not crash the game and you might hardly notice the difference, I do recommend swapping the OutfitTemplate with the original WoodTemplate.

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So is there a software combination where the output matches the input or is this the norm in having to know what to fix afterwards? If I could find 3DS Max would that work properly?

The cabin has around a dozen layers and would suck to have to make these changes each time I wanted to tweak something.

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