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Siddgeir won't sit on his Throne


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Well... he does... sometimes...

All the other jarls do sit reliably on their thrones, when they are not sleeping, eating or engaged in a scene involving another court character.  And when that ends, they dutifully return to their place.

Siddgeir does sit, but often he just stands on his throne, or goes to sleep in the bedroll (that was added by a mod in my load order), in a corner to his left.

I've looked at his AI packages, the quests I could link to him, and I can't figure out why he's behaving like this.  None of the mods I have installed seem to change his behavior (from this cursory examination of his record and related records using xEdit).  He appears to have a standard JarlSitThrone package, just like the others.

The only thing I've found, is that I can get him to pick a new behavior by spanking him (which temporarily places a flee override package).  After that, he seems to pick at random from his "default" behaviors: sitting, standing or in the bedroll.

This matters to me because my WIP mod has some behaviors that are triggered by the OnSit event.

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