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Is it possible to find out what body slots armor in a container is using via Papyrus?


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On 11/29/2024 at 7:38 AM, NeinGaming said:

Come to think of it: In addition to DoArmorSlotsOverlap(), a function that checks for an exact match would be really useful! Not as a request, just as an objectively true statement ^^

I added GetNthItemAccuracy/RateOfFire/Range, GetNthItemDamageTypes/Resistances, GetNthItemBipedSlots, GetNthItemHasBipedSlot, GetNthItemsBipedSlotsOverlap and IsCellBuffered() (regarding the other topic) to Garden of Eden SE v19.3.

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Oh, I don't even know what to say, honestly! It's like early triple Christmas O_O

I totally intend to use this in something actually playable, I have so many little ideas.. but that's the thing, it's a whole a mess of mods and patches for mods, and I only recently learned enough to properly shuffle things around. It'll take a while.

The primitive brute force way to upgrade equipment I outlined and implemented previously is kinda slow, even on one actor when the container doesn't even have much stuff in it. But it's still so cool to see it working, and once I'm confident that I know what I want it to do, exactly, I'm sure it can be optimized a lot, maybe sorting the container items in form lists or something so they don't all have to be looked at every time.

I'm kinda excited about what this will make possible, since I was also experimenting with something that allows the player to gain trust from nearby NPC by killing actors they're in combat with, and then occasionally has NPC gossip about the player to each other. So far it's just for improving prices, and allowing wanderers to be hired as settlers and even followers.

The point is, I was struggling to think of anything other than killing (or healing, there is also that) to gain trust, and what I really want to try is to the ability to offer them something: simply open an container the player can put armor (and then also weapons and ammo) into, and then the NPC decides what is an upgrade for them, take what they need and give you what they no longer need. Depending on how much of an upgrade it was, they pay you, and/or trust you more.

And the functions you just added made all of that possible in one fell swoop! Thank you so much.

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