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  1. The "honesty" of anyone's expectations is irrelevant here, it's a fact that Bethesda gave zero details. Since FO4 is already 64-bit, what could be "next-gen" about the update could be anyone's guess, but disjointed "content" or even a "marketplace" wouldn't be something that excites me personally, and either way: pre-hype has been proven harmful for the quality of games, so why even. If they don't give any details they deserve no brain cycles either.
  2. Short and sweet: Basically photo mode with some time slowdown, except in grenade form, and the drone can be spotted and destroyed by enemies. Limited fuel, so if you don't fly back to the player position before it runs out, the drone is lost.
  3. I play with something like 4x incoming damage, mortal settlers and one mortal companion who takes 2x incoming damage, and anyone who is not mortal and friendly to the player set to cowardly, combat chatter turned off, the range at which enemies can detect the player and each other set to 8000 units. Plus War of the Commonwealth, Endless Warfare, Endless Warfare MCM (just because they said I can't run both at once), SKK Combat Stalkers, Zombie Walkers (with the slow attack effect for said Zombies turned into a speed up), More Enemies, Nomads, whatever I may have forgotten... though all of them toned down, there's always *something* nearby happy to oneshot me, especially since I gave all enemies in the game a perk to increase their accuracy by like 500%. I reload a lot. No regrets tho.
  4. if you have 128 things to check, it's just 7 steps (2^7), if you have 1024 things to check, it's 10 steps (2^10). With this technique, the dune buggy gets faster the bigger the desert you have to search becomes :)
  5. Disable one half, if it doesn't crash, you know the culprit is in the half you disabled, otherwise in the half you didn't disable. Repeat the process with the half you know contains the culprit, reducing the number of candidates by half each time. There is a proper term for this which escapes me, binary tree something maybe, but at any rate, it's a huuuuuge time saver in cases where you can apply it.
  6. Yeah, if it's more about what type of scrap item gets used, and not something where the player cares what exact recipe is used, that'd be perfect I guess.
  7. How would you offer different recipes without offering them? Imagine for a second that you could do anything by just describing it, what would it look like, how would it work? I ask because if the player meets the requirements for more than one way to craft an item -- in ways that might make a difference to them, say using 100 fusion cells or 1 fusion core -- you'd have to list the different recipes anyway. Either it's a long flat list, or a lot of submenus (i.e. a dedicated category for each item, with all the recipes for it), or not actually having the choices.
  8. At least according to the author of Enjoy the Darkness, no (edit: I say that because it can get "out of sync" with the actual flash light state, and has a function to use when that happens). Or put differently, if you find a way, be sure to let them know, too ^^
  9. What do you mean with "idling"? Of course keywords do nothing and nothing cares about keywords it doesn't check for, that's the point. Setting "owned by player on" would mean a PA would become "legit" via the mod, right? So you might say it'd be cluttering that flag by overloading it with unrelated functionality. It would just require the player to enter each power armour "normally" once per game. Which also handles anything original editor location stuff potentially not handling, as well as still allowing player to use glitches to get some power armours if they want to. It's just the best proof there is that the player can access PA normally - to access it normally. No idea what you mean with "unrelated additions", because only your mod would even know that keyword exists. Instead of using something that is already in the game and but has a different meaning. Last thing to consider is, every time that store function would be used, the original and stored locations would have to be compared, so that's storing two numbers for each PA somewhere, versus one keyword to set when the player enters PA (no need to care if it's already set, either).
  10. Maybe I'm missing something, but my first thought is: The first time a player enters a PA, attach a keyword you made for that purpose to it. Then make the store feature only work with PA that have that keyword.
  11. But having it (and/or one with a jukebox model) to be available as wired variant and thus switchable, too, is a great idea, so why not suggest it.
  12. Awesome :) I haven't used it myself, but I noted it because of the sheer passion that went just into the front page or however you want to call it. I know something to keep an eye on when I see it.
  13. How much of the properties of an NPC can be copied by script? That is, could you make a "vessel" base NPC that has the workshopparentscript attached, spawn one, and then overwrite everything else with the properties of the NPC that should be made a settler? (I kinda want to know this myself, for maybe spawning settlers and enemies that have their face morph values somewhere between two randomly selected templates, making them 100% unique.)
  14. This doesn't have a jukebox, yet, but it's recent and seems under active development, and suggesting it doesn't hurt after all :smile: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/64070
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