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Simple Creation Kit Help please


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MY CK refuses to start up, and I don't want to muck around with it for fear of steam "helpfully" updating my game to next gen, which would be... annoying.

In the vault 88 entrance hallway, there's a decal (I think it is), of a dirt pile on the ground that can't be cleaned (yeah, you all know the one).  It's annoying the sh*t out of me.  Can someone please tell me what dds files it's pointing at, so I can make them transparent?  If you can point me to the bgsm the game uses that's fine I can track it through to the textures.

I know it's probably used 100 times through the game and I can live with that.  If you help I can send toe pics.  😄



Edited by Weightaholic
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Best would be to get your CK working.

Then you could open the Vault88 cell, move the piece in question below the floor (do not delete !) save it as a (esl) mod and be done with it. If you keep it as ESP you can add more such edits later, to have your own "mod".

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