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Faction Specific Questline Overhaul Mod

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This post will eventually become the development hub for the "Faction Specific Questline Overhaul Mod"

I will post and pin a Google Docs link to a "read-only" version of the main internal "developmental scope" document below.


This will be an unpaid mod project and will be free to use/copy/modify at your leisure. I just ask to please credit the efforts that my team and I make by packing the included README alongside pushed mod files.

We are looking forward to your feedback, insights and any ideas that this may make cross your mind!

If this gets good traction I will create a Youtube channel to post devlogs, live stream Q&A's and other media in video format.

Having said that, I have set up a Patreon account if you feel inclined to support the project with having to outsource assets beyond my creation capabilities.




S2HoC Faction Patches (9).jpg

Edited by TheAngryDanimal
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