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Getting Blocked By Cloudflare for Posting/Editing Comments With BBCode


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Since I crafted a tutorial with colours and nicer formatting, and tried updating my previous plain text comment, Cloudflare has been blocking my attempts to comment or edit comments on Nexus mods and telling me to contact you guys. Ray ID 8f2bf2c37f8f4122. I can't even attach the content here. I have tried switching browsers to no avail.

The subject mod is for Cyberpunk 2077, though it does not matter I think. But for no reason I am being punished for crafting a nicer tutorial! The only thing that stands out is that I was in the BBCode view when I saved it.

Edited by brazenvoid
some more exposition
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  • Community Manager

Can you put the content on something like pastebin or GitHub Gist so we can see exactly what you're doing?

CloudFlare gets very antsy about certain words and phrases commonly used by malicious actors or users attempting to exploit the website (and we don't seem to have any good way to override it). Obviously you're not trying to do anything bad but CF thinks you are!

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Will nexus do something about it or will this continue till a more impactful problem surfaces?

After all a feature on your site is being compromised without any language informing the user such.

Edited by brazenvoid
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