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[Mod Request] Tarkov-style care


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First of all, THANK YOU, I really thank all the Modders for their involvement in bringing us mods that are incredible for many!

I'm here for the STALKER 2 care, do you think it's possible to transcribe emergency care or even fractures, or mini Tarkov-style surgical operations in STALKER 2?

Honestly, putting Surv Kits or other types of care like Ifaks or other first aid kits or even blood bags would be cool! Even a small interface with the body and the affected areas. In short
This will probably make the game more demanding than putting on a bandage and spamming the shortcut 1.

Do you think you can or even know someone who could do it? Or is it even possible? I don't know, that's why I'm here.

Thank you and Happy Hunting Stalker

Edited by Suprem45
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