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Follower Health reset after battle ends is driving me nuts


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Hello everyone. I was wondering if anyone has any idea as to how I could disable this immersion-breaking feature which is the full health reset affecting followers as soon as all enemies die because it renders some of the gameplay aspects unnecessary and roleplaying potential unattainable. I have tried almost all health regen console commands, SkyTweaks after patching it for my version, and also combat behavior-altering mods such as Vigor - Enhanced Combat which can adjust the global passive health regeneration to match the player (which is the desired outcome since the PC won't fully restore their health when you kill all enemies). I also tried Xedits to alter all races's health regen values but to no avail. I posted on Reddit but had 0 response sadly and here I am, looking for my savior who hopefully could point me toward a solution or give me an explanation as to why it's not possible to disable this game behavior. from what I understood reading online is that all regen during combat is suppressed and this weird burst of health happens when the "suppression" is lifted. for all I know, I could be missing something very simple or I am totally barking at the wrong tree here so please, any help will be much appreciated. 


PS : I am on 1.6.640

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