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OAR and my game are crashing on startup (I need help figuring out what crash log is saying)


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I suspect that its an animation mod, but whenever I load the game through skse, it crashes and gives me this error.
(Can anyone tell me how to fix it ?)

Unhandled exception "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" at 0x7FF652FA3F7A SkyrimSE.exe+0BC3F7A    call [rax+0x40]
Exception Flags: 0x00000000

Number of Parameters: 2
Access Violation: Tried to read memory at 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

    OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Home v10.0.19045
    CPU: GenuineIntel 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-12900K
    GPU #1: Nvidia TU116 [GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER]
    GPU #2: Intel AlderLake-S GT1
    GPU #3: Microsoft Basic Render Driver
    PHYSICAL MEMORY: 14.09 GB/31.78 GB
    GPU MEMORY: 0.19/5.09 GB

    [ 0] 0x7FF652FA3F7A              SkyrimSE.exe+0BC3F7A -> 63867+0x5A    call [rax+0x40]
    [ 1] 0x7FF652FA895D              SkyrimSE.exe+0BC895D -> 63946+0x2CD    mov rdi, rax
    [ 2] 0x7FF652FA201B              SkyrimSE.exe+0BC201B -> 63845+0x2AB    test al, al
    [ 3] 0x7FFD1E4BDC33  BehaviorDataInjector.dll+009DC33
    [ 4] 0x7FF652F90A3C              SkyrimSE.exe+0BB0A3C -> 63585+0x23C    mov rdi, rax
    [ 5] 0x7FFCFC216313 OpenAnimationReplacer.dll+0136313
    [ 6] 0x7FF65292BB31              SkyrimSE.exe+054BB31 -> 32893+0x121    test al, al
    [ 7] 0x7FF6526D6B07              SkyrimSE.exe+02F6B07 -> 20103+0x117    movzx esi, al
    [ 8] 0x7FF6526C3FD9              SkyrimSE.exe+02E3FD9 -> 19727+0x669    mov rax, r14
    [ 9] 0x7FFCFEC83111            po3_Tweaks.dll+0033111
    [10] 0x7FF652A3E9F2              SkyrimSE.exe+065E9F2 -> 37177+0x12    mov rdi, rax
    [11] 0x7FFCFC25C863 OpenAnimationReplacer.dll+017C863
    [12] 0x7FFCFC21EF44 OpenAnimationReplacer.dll+013EF44
    [13] 0x7FFD62F02BF2       skse64_1_6_1170.dll+0082BF2
    [14] 0x7FFD62E8A6B8       skse64_1_6_1170.dll+000A6B8
    [15] 0x7FF652A22FCC              SkyrimSE.exe+0642FCC -> 36553+0x3FC    cmp dword ptr [0x00007FF6559D11D0], 0x02
    [16] 0x7FF652A2C5BC              SkyrimSE.exe+064C5BC -> 36644+0x1C    xor eax, eax
    [17] 0x7FF6530B0DBD              SkyrimSE.exe+0CD0DBD -> 68445+0x3D    mov rcx, [0x00007FF6555AC318]
    [18] 0x7FFD89FE7374              KERNEL32.DLL+0017374
    [19] 0x7FFD8A57CC91                 ntdll.dll+004CC91

    RAX 0x7FF653D433C8     (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+19633C8    add [rdx+rbp*8+0x52], dh)
    RCX 0x22BFD04C120      (hkbStateMachine::StateInfo*)
    RDX 0x0                (size_t) [0]
    RBX 0x7FF655593E40     (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+31B3E40    fdiv st0, st2)
    RSP 0xE61F61E440       (void*)
    RBP 0xE61F61E4A0       (void*)
    RSI 0x0                (size_t) [0]
    RDI 0xE61F61E560       (void*)
    R8  0x80000002         (size_t) [2147483650]
    R9  0x26D930           (size_t) [2545968]
    R10 0x6C496517         (size_t) [1816749335]
    R11 0xE61F61E4A0       (void*)
    R12 0x22BFD04C120      (hkbStateMachine::StateInfo*)
    R13 0x0                (size_t) [0]
    R14 0xE61F61EDC0       (void*)
    R15 0xE61F61ED88       (void*)

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Yes your crash is animation related, so start to disable animation mods until you localize the crashing cause. When you find it, check upon that mod's requirements and if you missed something.

Also redoing your Nemesis / Pandora output may help, and remember to tick all appropriate boxes as well.

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Now, if you are having problems with OAR, this should have nothing to do with Nemesis.   Nemesis/FNIS/Pandora update your game's animation database in order to allow entirely new animation commands.    DAR/OAR, based on certain conditions, will replace which animation file is used for an already existing animation command.    Thus, animation mods which make use of OAR, should not even need a Nemesis run.

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I tried everything (LOOT, Re-downloading OAR, Getting rid of old SKSE files, etc) It still crashes.

When I disable every mod related to open animation replacer, I am able to get to the title screen without it crashing, however when I load any save files or start a new game, it crashes instantly.

What frustrates me is that just a couple of days ago, it was working fine, and now suddenly it's a mess. This issue happened before I updated any of my mods.

I have been following this link's instructions (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/92109?tab=posts) to solve the problem however, I think this issue has moved beyond OAR and is more of something being wrong in my Skyrim Root folder.

I could try re-downloading SKSE again, but what do you think the best course of action would be ?

Edited by Burritosword46
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Because it looks like skyrim.exe tryes to read a memory part what is not available - try to reinstall vcruntime. From time to time especially after windows updates i have the same message (Tried to read memory at 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) in crash logger. VCruntime repair/reinstall fixed it for me every time.

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