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Jcontainer how to get nested map's keys

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I would like to use JContainers, but I can't figure how to get the keys for a nested map.   For example, how to list all the keys for the map at ".dog".



I am looking for the function that would look like solveStrMapAllKeys(int object, String path).


Edited by Good0Provider
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Create a while loop, but instead of using indices, use it like an list iterator:

String function nextKey(Int object, String previousKey="", String endKey="") global native

There more info in the source code, even an example on how to use it?



some lite reading for you


Edited by PeterMartyr
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13 hours ago, PeterMartyr said:

Create a while loop, but instead of using indices, use it like an list iterator:

String function nextKey(Int object, String previousKey="", String endKey="") global native

There more info in the source code, even an example on how to use it?



some lite reading for you


Already read. Thanks.


Also recommend:  


Edited by Good0Provider
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