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Changing Item Name in TES4Edit/CS not working?


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Just as the thread title says, I'm trying to change the name of an item (specifically a potion) in TES4Edit, but when I get back in the game, the names remain the same as they were before my change. I've also tried using the TES Construction Set to change the names, but I'm running into the exact same problem. The mod is at the bottom of my load order and is not being overwritten by anything else. I've double/triple/quadruple checked the mod I've edited to make sure the changes stuck, but in-game is a different story.


Can anyone help me figure out what's going on here and how to solve this issue? Thank you in advance!

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Could you please tell us the exact procedure you followed both on TES4Edit and the CS to change the item's name? Because I never encountered this issue when changing items names (at least on CS, I don't use TES4Edit).



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Could you please tell us the exact procedure you followed both on TES4Edit and the CS to change the item's name? Because I never encountered this issue when changing items names (at least on CS, I don't use TES4Edit).




In CS, I open the program. Select Oblivion.esm and the mod I'm editing, make it the active mod. Go to Potions, double click the item, change the name. OK. Save. Go into the game, nothing's changed.


Pretty much the same process for TES4Edit too.

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I'm guessing you are using the standard vanilla version of the Construction Set (version 1.2.0404) as opposed to Construction Set Extender. You're also trying to make your "own" ESP of your changes (e.g. the new potion names). You're running into something called mod de-isolation. In a nutshell what that means is you can't have an ESP as a master of your own ESP. To do so you need to temporarily turn your "source" ESP into an ESM (master), create your plugin (ESP) and then turn the source back into an ESP.


Here's a link to a step by step using Wrye Bash: Plugin: TESCOSI (I used to have a better link to a CS Wiki page but the link is dead since they changed that site). Another alternative (and simpler one) is to use CS Extender instead if the vanilla CS.


- Edit - Hmm ... if I'm understanding your reply to Ike then you are trying to edit Basic Primary Needs. Maskar relies a lot on scripts and event handlers in his mods ... may not be as simple as editing a name in CSE. Ask Maskar in the mod comments for BPN .. you'll get your best answer there.

Edited by Striker879
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I'm guessing you are using the standard vanilla version of the Construction Set (version 1.2.0404) as opposed to Construction Set Extender. You're also trying to make your "own" ESP of your changes (e.g. the new potion names). You're running into something called mod de-isolation. In a nutshell what that means is you can't have an ESP as a master of your own ESP. To do so you need to temporarily turn your "source" ESP into an ESM (master), create your plugin (ESP) and then turn the source back into an ESP.


Here's a link to a step by step using Wrye Bash: Plugin: TESCOSI (I used to have a better link to a CS Wiki page but the link is dead since they changed that site). Another alternative (and simpler one) is to use CS Extender instead if the vanilla CS.


- Edit - Hmm ... if I'm understanding your reply to Ike then you are trying to edit Basic Primary Needs. Maskar relies a lot on scripts and event handlers in his mods ... may not be as simple as editing a name in CSE. Ask Maskar in the mod comments for BPN .. you'll get your best answer there.


Okay, so I've tried using CS Extender, and following those instructions with Wrye Bash, but no dice. I've tried separate ESPs and just overwriting the original one too. Viewing the mod in CS or TES4Edit indicates that the names have been successfully changed, but the game refused to acknowledge it. I can't see anything else that indicates that another part of the mod would be override the changes I've made... are there other mods that are as resistant towards changes?

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Edis, additionally to what Striker comments, are you sure you're changing the name of the potion instead its EditorID?

When you click OK, does the CS ask you if you want to create a new object, or simply closes the object window without asking anything?

But read carefully what Striker told you about the special way Basic Needs is scripted. I really doubt you've mistaken the ID for the Name, I'm sure you did it correctly, but if the game refuses to aknowledge your change, then it's something in the scripting what ruins your intents to change names.


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Only ones I've run into that were "resistant" to change involved load doors (whose positions are saved in the save file), that and mod de-isolation issues.


I know that Maskar is partial to using scripts to edit leveled lists ... have you looked through all the BPN scripts looking for something that might make the potion name persistent? Like I suggested, Maskar is the best source of advice on BPN (and is generally both prompt and generous with advice).

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