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How to make a Rotating Platform


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I am searching for information on how to make an animated piece of furniture, a rotating platform with an activator so I can toggle animation (rotation) on\off and with collision so I can put an object or an actor (PC, NPC) on it and send them spin around.

If something like that already exists (like a modder resource for Skyrim), please let me know. If not, I would appreciate you poininting me out in the direction of a good tut on the subject.

Edited by Skybroom
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No. I was too fast to claim it success. It doesn't work that way. It works with an object, not with an actor. If I put an apple pie on that platform, the pie will go spinning on its axis as it should be. If I put an actor, a human NPC on that platform, the actor will kind of move in circles but not on his axis, he will keep it facing just one direction, while his feet will be sliding on the platform's surface - not what I want.

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This is one of those things if you mess around with it enough you will start to figure out how things tick, and likely also learn some new things you didn't expect to find useful

Def explore nif files and play with copy/pasting collisions and NIControllers to other nif models, and make new nifs too. CtrlC and CtrlV in skope is def your friend

I'd have to give myself a refresher session with the creation side of things, to be more helpful. But do consider what I suggested. It's pretty enjoyable imo just experimenting with this stuff

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