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Random yellow-ish honey texture on items, any help appreciated!


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Hey there, I started playing (and modding) Skyrim SE the first time last week and obviously I went down a huge rabbit hole of mods. Like, way too many mods at this point.

So many in fact, that I have trouble finding out what mod (or mods) is causing this weird texture bug. At first it appeared randomly on some items, sometimes on dead NPC's or just a specific item in the world.

Now it effects every NPC that gets killed. One or more objects on that NPC become bugged and turn this yellow-ish color, but only while on that body or on the ground, it doesn't effect the PC.

It also changes if I take the item into another cell.

And it only shows up after I move closer to the object, not if I stay away, but it stays like that no matter what after. I tried removing every mod effecting lights or similar effects, looked at different texture mods, looked at enb, and other things but it literally started to happen with random armour items.


My mod-list is long, like really long so I'm wondering if someone came across a problem like this before? Any information or tips on how to find the devil would be much appreciated!



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This is a long shot, but you might try More Informative Console ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/19250 ).  Move close enough to the affected items, open the console, click on one or more.  You can get information on the last mod to affect the item, and by using the 'Shift' key on some of the information in the boxes, you can get a list of the textures that are applied.  That might get you a hint of how to start.  I suspect that some kind of cloak spell effect is being applied to your items, but that is just a guess.

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17 minutes ago, 7531Leonidas said:

This is a long shot, but you might try More Informative Console ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/19250 ).  Move close enough to the affected items, open the console, click on one or more.  You can get information on the last mod to affect the item, and by using the 'Shift' key on some of the information in the boxes, you can get a list of the textures that are applied.  That might get you a hint of how to start.  I suspect that some kind of cloak spell effect is being applied to your items, but that is just a guess.

Thanks for the reply! I did just that and as far as I can tell, there is nothing out of the ordinary? I'm not even sure if it's a texture bug at this point.. I have no idea.



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Go back and use the shift key on the QuickSkyDark_e.dds and see what it says.  I want to think that the _e is some sort of environment mask, but I really don't know what I am doing...  You might also check the keywords while you are there, maybe one of them could help point to the problem, if the effect was distributed by keyword.

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QuickSkyDark is just a cubemap texture, and would have nothing to do with this.    What you are seeing here rather looks like an effect shader, similar to what you see on enchanted items.    Frankly, my bet is this some sort of looting enhancement mod, telling you which corpses have valuable stuff on them - as well as highlighting valuable loot items too.   Similar to mods like "Glowing Ore Veins", "Unread Books Glow".    Unfortunately, such effects are typically applied via a script and don't really come up as something visible in the console. 

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3 hours ago, scorrp10 said:

QuickSkyDark is just a cubemap texture, and would have nothing to do with this.    What you are seeing here rather looks like an effect shader, similar to what you see on enchanted items.    Frankly, my bet is this some sort of looting enhancement mod, telling you which corpses have valuable stuff on them - as well as highlighting valuable loot items too.   Similar to mods like "Glowing Ore Veins", "Unread Books Glow".    Unfortunately, such effects are typically applied via a script and don't really come up as something visible in the console. 

I just did a quick check and.. you're absolutely right. It was the Smart Harvest mod (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/37091) seemingly causing the issue! It does make so much sense and after trying to look at enchantments and/or anything that would effect reflections or other effects it was broken highlighting from that mod.

I still don't know why it's doing it. Since it isn't even supposed to highlight anything (turned off) and just loot ingredients but oh well, easier to find a solution now! =D

Thanks everyone for the help!

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