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Make hotkeyed spells use the right hand, not the left? (keep shield equipped)

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I'd like to keep my shield equipped and switch between using a weapon and healing/destruction. The problem is, equipping a spell by hotkey will, by default, switch out my shield, and leave me with a useless axe while I'm trying to ice spike duel an archer miles away, or take away my ability to shield bash stun while I'm trying to heal with enemies attacking.

All my problems would be solved by my shield never leaving my left hand for any reason and just having an axe and 7 spells hotkeyed for use in my right. Can anyone think of a mod or combination of mods that could achieve this?

The groups system with SkyUI is not an option, unless anyone knows how to use groups with a controller. I'm terrible at playing games with mouse and keyboard, otherwise I'd just make 8 SkyUI groups that all contain my shield. The Kontrol mod by Vortikai adds hotkeys in a great way, but they all just go into the wrong hand which makes heated combat feel like one of those weird dreams where things go strangely wrong.

I'd appreciate any mod recommendations that could help me save Skyrim from the evil forces, rather than getting laughed at while I try to protect my vital organs with a handful of chain lightning.

Edited by thatjeanlucpicard
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I hate KB and mouse too. Gamepad ++ will do what you want -you can set up  8 SkyUI  equip groups F1-F8  then favorite the shield and spells/ and add them to the groups as per using the keyboard.Once your done, goto GP++ MCM menu and set up the bindings to emulate F1-F8 key presses.

Could also set up hotkeys 1-8  as well so you could change shield for different situations.Use Auto Input Switch so you dont need to unplug controller.

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