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Can't run/open batch files in console

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I've seen a few old topics on this and I've tried all the suggestions but I can not get a batch file to open or be found when I use the "bat" command in the console. I get "Batch file cannot be found or opened". I have tried:

Naming the bat file in the folder with no extension, with .txt, and with .bat

Placing the batch file in both the main Skyrim SE folder and the data folder

Typing the name of the batch file into the console with the .txt and .bat extension there and without the extension

Doing the above with and without quotation marks around the batch name.

I don't get it.

I am playing using the Nolvus 5 modlist. Is that the problem? The consensus seems to be that it should still work the normal way even using a modlist. Does it have anything to do with launching through MO2 instead of through Steam? With the fact that it is the special edition?

Thanks for any help!!!

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If you can open the console in-game, than batch files should work..... Key word there being *should*..... 🙂 Batch command file should be a text file, in the main install directory for the game. (where the game .exe file is located) Should be able to just type in "bat filename" (no quotes) and it should run. I seem to remember though, there is a setting in the ini to enable console commands? Maybe??????


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