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I crash to desk top when my followers idle?

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When my character engages in an activity: smithing, sitting..., and then my followers start to idle: smithing, sitting..., game crashes to desktop.

My MO2 log reads:

ran out of memory in tree mod_organizer_instance_1, will create another one
creating mod_organizer_instance_2
mod_organizer_instance_2 created, activating
will destroy mod_organizer_instance_1
tree mod_organizer_instance_2 size now 8,388,608 B
destroying mod_organizer_instance_1
ran out of memory in tree mod_organizer_instance_2, will create another one
creating mod_organizer_instance_3
mod_organizer_instance_3 created, activating
will destroy mod_organizer_instance_2
tree mod_organizer_instance_3 size now 16,777,216 B
destroying mod_organizer_instance_2
ran out of memory in tree mod_organizer_instance_3, will create another one
creating mod_organizer_instance_4
mod_organizer_instance_4 created, activating
will destroy mod_organizer_instance_3
tree mod_organizer_instance_4 size now 33,554,432 B
destroying mod_organizer_instance_3
ran out of memory in tree mod_organizer_instance_4, will create another one
creating mod_organizer_instance_5
mod_organizer_instance_5 created, activating
will destroy mod_organizer_instance_4
tree mod_organizer_instance_5 size now 67,108,864 B
destroying mod_organizer_instance_4
ran out of memory in tree mod_organizer_instance_5, will create another one
creating mod_organizer_instance_6
mod_organizer_instance_6 created, activating
will destroy mod_organizer_instance_5
tree mod_organizer_instance_6 size now 134,217,728 B
destroying mod_organizer_instance_5
clearing forced libraries


Which I assume is a memory leak?

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On 1/9/2025 at 11:15 AM, HeyYou said:

Running any animation mods?

Yes, like FNIS and DAR and several NPC and Player animation sets, including idles.

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1 hour ago, HeyYou said:

Gotta be somethin' in there causing the issue.... Which one though? No idea. 😄

Makes sense.  I seem to have singled out two followers that would cause the crash.  It was not one-hundred-percent consistent, but it would happen whenever one of them started to sandbox.

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