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need help with serana replacer


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hi guys, i have been working on a serana replacer (as one does) however it always results in an unchanged face/brown face bug. i have followed these tutorials (x and x) to the letter,  and i am losing my mind !! 

here are some specifics:

-facegen data might not be exporting to the right place ? i have replaced the mesh/textures countless times, however i know dark face bug is always from facegen data

-i get an error message in creation kit saying "femalehead.nif does not have tint mask" or something along those lines. 

-i have reassigned/renamed EVERYTHING in nifskope. when i open the head, it looks fine. however when i open the same head in creation kit, it looks only half changed (face shape stays the same but eyes and hair have changed)

additionally, here are some screenshots:


any help is appreciated. at this point i am wondering if i should scrap everything besides the racemenu preset, and just start over ?? however i have done this twice now and gotten the same result.

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Brown face is caused by head parts in actor record being named differently from mesh names in the head .nif.     

Personally, I never use CK facegen, and don't bother with head preview in CK.

After a head has been designed in RaceMenu, and head .nif and tintmask .dds exported   (to data\skse\plugins\chargen)

Specifically for Serana:   

  1. Copy the exported tintmask over to data\textures\actors\character\facegendata\facetint\Dawnguard.esm\, and rename it 00002B6C.dds
  2. Copy the exported mesh file over to data\meshes\actors\character\facegendata\facegeom\Dawnguard.esm\, and rename it 00002B6C.nif
  3. Open the .nif file, and in its head mesh, make sure that 7th slot in the texture set points at the tintmask texture.
  4. Also, make sure that meshes have same exact names as head parts in the actor record.   Capitalization is important.

Example:  I use LamaKreis' Bells/Serana replacer.    In her actor record,  the hair part is called 'ALK_LKSeranaII_Hair', and it includes and extra part called 'ALK_LKSeranaII_Hairline'.   In the head nif, her hair meshes have same exact names.

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9 hours ago, scorrp10 said:

Brown face is caused by head parts in actor record being named differently from mesh names in the head .nif.     

Personally, I never use CK facegen, and don't bother with head preview in CK.

After a head has been designed in RaceMenu, and head .nif and tintmask .dds exported   (to data\skse\plugins\chargen)

Specifically for Serana:   

  1. Copy the exported tintmask over to data\textures\actors\character\facegendata\facetint\Dawnguard.esm\, and rename it 00002B6C.dds
  2. Copy the exported mesh file over to data\meshes\actors\character\facegendata\facegeom\Dawnguard.esm\, and rename it 00002B6C.nif
  3. Open the .nif file, and in its head mesh, make sure that 7th slot in the texture set points at the tintmask texture.
  4. Also, make sure that meshes have same exact names as head parts in the actor record.   Capitalization is important.

Example:  I use LamaKreis' Bells/Serana replacer.    In her actor record,  the hair part is called 'ALK_LKSeranaII_Hair', and it includes and extra part called 'ALK_LKSeranaII_Hairline'.   In the head nif, her hair meshes have same exact names.

i did all these steps originally, but i just redid everything to be sure. still nothing. mesh names are the same as original, texture is routed to the tintmask, and i copied the dds and nif over to their respective facegendata folders. however, i have seen some people saying when you do steps 1 and 2 (copying the tintmask and mesh to /dawnguard.esm), it's supposed to be overwriting something. however i copied these and they overwrote nothing. idk if maybe that is the issue ?? i can provide more detail if necessary, ty for the response !

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AN UPDATE: i basically went through all the motions A FOURTH TIME and for some reason, the mesh is correct now in game (textures are still wrong). however i got this horrifying bug, and idk what the hell could have caused it. her face was correct for about 2 seconds, but when serana moved, vertices and polygons and whatnot were flying around everywhere. i've seen a similar bug like this in the sims 3, when a baby is wearing a clothing item made for adults. so could this have something to do with an unproportionate mesh ?? for reference, here is my current view in nifskope. 

sorry for the info dump but i'm determined at this point lol !!

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This stuff is really hard to analyze from screenshots and such.  Looks like a morph file issue.  If you want to package up your relevant files   (the .esp,   head .nif, the tintmask and such.   If you got a .jslot preset file saved, that would be useful as well),  and upload them somewhere I can take a look, I likely can figure it out.   You can use a PM if you don't want to make those available publicly.  

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