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*FIGURED IT OUT* - does time pass faster during The Pickup quest??? or is this a freak mod bug - *IT IS VANILLA*


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playing through The Pickup and fighting Maelstrom and i noticed that the in-game clock is rapidly accelerating. is this vanilla behavior, or is a mod messing it up?

i entered allfoods when it was just getting dark outside and after starting the fight, i got to the big main room with the skylight and noticed sunlight, looked at the clock and realized that not only was it suddenly 4pm, but in-game minutes were passing in fractions of a second. there's no way this is vanilla, right??


EDIT--- i figured it out, and it is vanilla. the clock speeds forward but it stops and freezes once it gets to 10:29 PM, and doesn't start moving again until you leave allfoods and finish the quest. so if it is already any later than 10:29 PM in-game time, it will literally fast forward through the entire next day until it gets to 10:29 again. kinda weird but makes sense that it was done intentionally so that it's always dark when you walk outside. case closed!

Edited by cheesetoast8
i answered my own question
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It should work as usual, but I do remember experiencing a problem with the time in the game, after Ghost Town and during the beggining of Panam's story arc, time got frozen and it would pass unless I force it by waiting or sleeping, nevertheless, the game somehow realized time wasnt running, dont know when but it fixed by itself somehow.

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