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Power Armor Turret


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Anyone ever made or thought about making a Shoulder Turret for Power Armor? As a piece you could attach as a modification. A minigun or a missile launcher would be awesome. This would make the power armor more special first strike unit: not just a armor with same gun as without the armor.

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I don't know anything about modding really but maybe someone could create a gun or launcher that jankily is attached to your power armor when you equip it like a grenade. But otherwise in an ideal world I was thinking about something more like Valkyrie's rocket barrage in Apex Legends, or the shoulder mounted launcher that the SPARK unit uses in XCOM 2. As of now though here's 2 shoulder mounted machine gun mods I found.

Dak's Shoulder Mounted Machinegun (M2)


Shoulder Mounted Machine Gun - Rat Runners Arsenal


Edited by rsuda
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