LevisageDeDior Posted January 16 Share Posted January 16 Hello, I’m currently working on NPC overhauls, but I’m struggling to find any Whiterun Guard actors whose appearance can be edited via the pop-up window. All I can see are AI data, stats, and traits - there’s no character generation (CharGen) data available. I believe this is because they are “randomly” generated. Is it even possible to modify the template on which their generation is based? Searching for it in google gave me nothing. I’d greatly appreciate any tips, as leaving “ugly” guards in a city full of redone NPCs feels out of place. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
scorrp10 Posted January 16 Share Posted January 16 So I suppose you put in a mod that removes guard helmets so you can see faces. Lets do a deep dive. If I coc to 'whiterunorigin', there is a guard standing right next to gates with RefID 0003704E, BaseID AA8D6, as determined by the More Informative console. With a bit of search in CK, RefID 0003704E is 'GuardWhiterunImperialPostNightRef7', with Base GuardWhiterunImperialPostNight2, 000D3154. However, D3154 is fully templated on GuardWhiterunImperialTemplate (EA0A2). That, in turn, is templated on LvlGuardImperial (1FC62). Of importance, however, is that it does not use template's inventory, so it retains the assigned Whiterun guard outfit. And that is templated on LCharGuardImperial(E7B2C), which is a LevelledCharacter, and can be one of following: EncGuardImperialM0(1-4)MaleNordCommander or EncGuardImperialM0(5-9)MaleGuard (9 options total: AA8D4, AA8D5, AA8D6, AA8D7, AA8D8, AA8FC, AA8FD, AA901, AA913 ) And specifically, EncGuardImperialM03MaleNordCommander is AA8D6, which was the current Base ID of the guard in question. All 9 of the above options are templated on EncGuardImprerialTemplate (F6F37), but they do not inherit the Traits. Further, that is templated on EncSoldierImperialTemplate (1FC5D), which is not templated on anything. So, if I look into Skyrim-Meshes0.bsa, I can see that there is a 000aa8d6.nif in it under meshes\actors\character\facegendata\facegeom\skyrim.esm, and it is indeed the head of the guard in question. However, that guard could have easily been any of the 9 variants mentioned above, and your mod needs to visually overhaul all 9 of them to cover the possibilities. The good news is, those 9 variants will likely apply to pretty much every single imperial style guard in all cities. Likewise, there are 9 variants of 'Sons' (Stormcloak) guards defined under LCharGuardSons. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LevisageDeDior Posted January 16 Author Share Posted January 16 Okay, so if I understand correctly, I need to create new .nif and .dds files for all 9 of the mentioned NPCs: [000AA8D4, 000AA8D5, 000AA8D6, 000AA8D7, 000AA8D8, 000AA8FC, 000AA8FD, 000AA901, 000AA913]. Then, I’ll need to handle everything in the Creation Kit. Finally, the game will randomly assign their appearances based on these 9 variants - am I right? It affects every single guard that exist? Both sides, meaning Imperials and Stormcloaks? Sorry if it feels like you’re talking to a wall - this whole "guards overhaul operation" is turning out to be way more complicated than I anticipated, and I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed, lol. Thank you so much for your reply! I also decided not to remove their helmets, but I still have to create new faces because some of the helmets only cover half of their faces, leaving the other half visible. This is also important in case some of the players decide to use some kind of immersive mods, that for example make guards remove their helmets under certain conditions. I don’t mind creating it from scratch, even if it won’t be fully visible Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
scorrp10 Posted January 16 Share Posted January 16 What I did here is I just took one random Whiterun guard, and traced his template 'lineage'. And that is an 'Imperial' guard - Whiterun actually has a contingent of Stormcloak guards, which are to be activated should Whiterun fall to Stormcloaks during the game. So yes, for imperial side, those 9 NPC records are the ones for whom you need to create new heads. As mentioned their EditorIDs are EncGuardImperialM01MaleNordCommander - EncGuardImperialM04MaleNordCommander and EncGuardImperialM05MaleGuard - EncGuardImperialM09MaleGuard It is still possible, however, that at least some 'special' guards might not be randomly selected from the above set and have a unique face. But I could not really find any. Now, for the Stormcloaks, the lineup is different. For them, the selection is from 'LCharGuardSons': Which, as you can see, includes 3 females, 3 males, and 3 male commanders. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LevisageDeDior Posted January 16 Author Share Posted January 16 Great, I’ll look into it when I’m on my PC. If you don’t mind, I’d love to mention you in the credits when I release the mod, as I wouldn’t have been able to make it without your help. Thank you so much for your help so far. Take care! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
scorrp10 Posted January 16 Share Posted January 16 Ok, good luck with the mod! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LevisageDeDior Posted January 21 Author Share Posted January 21 Okay, so I've managed to overhaul the guards and everything is working. However, gate guards are separate NPCs that don't follow the template. That being said; Dawnstar: Gate guards are not used here. Falkreath: Gate guards are not used here. Morthal: Gate guards are not used here. Winterhold: Gate guards are not used here. Whiterun: I’ve managed to find the gatekeepers in Whiterun with the following IDs: 000D1985, 000D8F09, and when Whiterun is taken by the stormcloaks, only one guard appear that goes by 000E0D77. Riften: Checked, and even though it has gate guards, they follow the stormcloak template, so it's all good. Markarth: Same as above, it has gate guards but they follow the imperial template. Windhelm: I think I found one gatekeeper that belongs to Windhelm which goes by 0003EF2C, the other one standing next to him is missing. Solitude: I can't find any of the gatekeepers that belong to Solitude, though. Either I’m blind or I don’t know what’s going on. There are 2 of them, one by the first open gate, and the second one by the closed city gate. There should be also some of them after Solitude gets captured by the stormcloaks - can't find them either. Quote It is still possible, however, that at least some 'special' guards might not be randomly selected from the above set and have a unique face. But I could not really find any. I found out that guards who do not follow the template are the ones holding an event. For example, the guard in Riften who tries to scam you or the guard in Morthal who asks about the missing dog. Funny thing is, I actually did check their RefIDs and BaseIDs in-game using the console to search for them in CK later, but neither of the IDs worked, and there were no results. I literally found the Whiterun gatekeepers by changing their appearance from scratch and then checking in-game to see if it was them lol It also seems that guards who are not affected by the templates are those belonging to the cities that can be taken over. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
scorrp10 Posted January 21 Share Posted January 21 If you use More Informative Console and click on a guard in question, you should get the RefID and BaseID. BaseID should be what you need. So, Windhelm guard BaseID 3EF2C (GuardWindhelmSonsGateMain) Looking at use info, there are two of them in 'WindhelmPalaceoftheKingsExterior', and they are not used by any levelled character records. So you need to create the head specifically for that BaseID. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LevisageDeDior Posted January 21 Author Share Posted January 21 I do not use the more informative console however I will give it a try when I’ll get on my pc. When I have the console open and I press on something I get the BaseID and RefID, but as being said these gave me no results when I was searching for them in CK. Do you have any idea what is up with the Solitude? Thank you for your reply:) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
scorrp10 Posted January 21 Share Posted January 21 The guards at the lower and upper gate both have base ID F684E (same face) - (GuardSolitudeImperialDayMaleGuard). And yeah, those are not distributed via levelled char. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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