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..and so the journey begins.


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Greetings all,
I am Grim.

I will now start my journy into modding Skyrim for the very first time.
What I'm looking to do is update textures to make it look FRESH as well as add general quality of life mods, item mods, variety mods and quest/faction mods for more stuff to do.

From what I've seen so far this means I now have to start study what basically seems to equal an university course or two.. hehe.
Any tips is greatly appriciated! Here we go!

Edited by Grimpadidillido
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Tip 1:  Join the Skyrim SE forum, go to 'Game Communities' under 'Browse' at the top of the page.  Scroll down/search for Skyrim, it is usually close to the top.  Join each Skyrim forum you wish to post in.  This will get faster/broader responses for you.

Classes of mods you might want to check first, Landscape mods (using Pfuscher's downscaled stuff right now) - with or w/o DynDOLOD, weather mods, lighting mods.  The last can include both ENB and Community Shaders, I just switched to Community Shaders, seems to be a little on the 'open range' side of development right now, but set up seems to be less fussy, with more detailed changes possible.  I am sure that others will be ready to add their opinions.

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Welcome, Grim!

As for mods to get started with...

First of all, a mod manager of some kind, be it Vortex, Mod Organizer 2, or something else.  (I know MO2 best myself, having used Mod Organizer in some form for more than a decade.) 

SKSE and Address Library, since a lot of other mods depend on both. 

SkyUI, for its improvements to the inventory, spell, and crafting interfaces, and for its MCM control panel system that tons of other mods use for their settings. 

Either Alternate Start: Live Another Life or Realm of Lorkhan, to skip the opening cart ride when you get tired of it (since changing your mods can break a Helgen save), and to have a bunch of good alternatives for game starts. 

Possibly some kind of multiple follower/follower control mod, like Nether's Follower Framework or EFF.  These make followers easier to control, allow more than one at a time to follow you, and optionally have them ride horses when you do. 

I might add a few others as I think of them.


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