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PLEASE somebody make this happen.

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Please somebody make an Insanity/Chaos mod. I have tried all mods. There is hardcore A life and A life extended mods. And even more enemy spawns and thats outdated. But it's never enough. You walk around the map and find 3-4 enemies here and there? What the heck is that? LOL!


I would gladly PAY somebody to make an all out CHAOS mod. Insanity mod where there are 20+ enemies and allies NPC's spawning. Whether you fight them or not would depend on your standing with the faction. But it would be amazing to see. Bandits and IPFS/military especially as they are a guaranteed fight. 


The game just gets boring when there is barely any action. Especially after you finish the game twice. I would love a mod that would maximize spawns of NPC's and maybe mutants can be also increased. But mostly NPC's. 


This would be a dream come true for alot of players. As I know there are others that want the same thing. 


Thank you ! 🙂 hope somebody considers it. 

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