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Vault81 Expansion Settlement (formerly Secret 81)


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What should happen about a month after Hole In The Wall is this:

1) the Secret 81 worldspace is removed and replaced by its copy, accessible by that elevator or walking though the no-longer secret entryway in 81's Generator Room.

2) This space should be cleaned up, expanded, and have a workshop active. 81 personnel would have access to the space and count as inhabitants if you managed to not tick off the people of Vault 81. If so, you're also an ally.

3) Ol' Rusty should be fixed up with spare parts left behind by Curie (and have a rust-red paintjob so his name still makes sense.

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This is something I've wanted to see for a very long time. At the very least, a mod that gradually cleans up the new section and populates it with V81 residents. In fact, I have a (mostly complete) face pool of over 150 V81 residents waiting for just this sort of thing. We can only hope.

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